Artist Samih Shuqair praises the invitation of AANES to receive Syrian refugees

The Syrian opposition artist, Samih Shuqair, praised the initiative of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria to solve the Syrian crisis and its readiness to receive Syrian refugees, and stressed that its position guarantees a solution that the Damascus government, the Lebanese state and the United Nations collectively failed to achieve.

Artist Samih Shuqair praises the invitation of AANES to receive Syrian refugees
1 May 2023   15:10

This came through a post published today by the poet and composer, the Syrian artist and dissident, Samih Shuqair, on his Facebook page, commenting on the recent initiatives of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria regarding resolving the Syrian crisis, and its readiness to receive Syrian refugees.

The co-chair of the Department of External Relations in the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, Bedran Çiya Kurd, confirmed in a statement on the Autonomous Administration's website that the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria is ready to help the Syrian refugees in Lebanon, as part of the initiative it launched on April 18 to resolve the Syrian crisis.

The Syrian artist, Samih Shuqair, indicated that he learned today that the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria had announced that it would open its doors to Syrian refugees, and that it had urged United Nations organizations to help prepare the appropriate conditions to receive them.

He said, praising the initiative of the Autonomous Administration, "I salute them for this position," stressing that the initiative "includes a solution that the regime, the Lebanese state, and the United Nations collectively failed to achieve."

He noted that the initiative is "a solution that defuses a looming wave of violence against our Syrian citizens in Lebanon, and with our understanding that the situation in Lebanon has become unbearable for more crises, but also so that this issue does not become a door for political investment by some Lebanese forces to suspend all structural problems in the Lebanese system." We praise the Syrian refugees, and because we are keen on good and normal relations with our Lebanese brothers, we have been keen on our Syrian refugee brothers, so I think it is good news for everyone.

Shuqair called on the United Nations to cooperate with the Autonomous Administration and to activate the initiative to return the refugees as soon as possible, "I hope that this possibility will be activated as soon as possible in cooperation with the United Nations."

The poet and composer, the Syrian artist and dissident, Samih Shuqair, saluted the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria for the initiative and said, "A salute to the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria for this position, which establishes greater and deeper cooperation with all Syrians, which establishes a solid foundation for the unity of destiny and the orientation to build the future of Syria without tyranny." in the state of citizenship and democracy.

The Syrian artist Samih Shuqair, born in the occupied Syrian Golan in 1957, is famous for his patriotic, political, revolutionary songs, including his song during the start of the popular movement in Syria in March 2011, "Ya Haif."

T/ Satt.