​​​​​​​Hawar news agency plan 29-4-2023

​​​​​​​Hawar news agency plan 29-4-2023
28 April 2023   20:00

The co-chair of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) indicated that the victory of the people's will in the Turkish elections will put an end to the practices of the Turkish authorities and the occupation, and will reflect positively on resolving the Syrian crisis.  And she called on all peoples who call for freedom, especially the Syrian refugees who have the right to vote, to struggle against the authority of the Justice and Development party.

The deputy co-chair of the Executive Council of the AANES revealed that the Autonomous Administration directed its initiative to solve the Syrian crisis to international parties, such as the Arab League, the United Nations, humanitarian organizations, democratic forces and the Damascus government, and that it emphasized that the solution would be Syrian, on Syrian land and with international blessing.

Handicrafts maintain their authenticity in this era when technology and machine dominate everything.

A member of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party explained that the thought and philosophy of the leader, Abdullah Ocalan, paved the way for all the achievements of free democratic peoples, and that achieving his physical freedom is the responsibility of humanitarian and human rights organizations.

The Young Women's Movement in Aleppo organizes a march under the slogan "Women, Life, Freedom, Together Towards Liberation," in front of the meeting hall located in the western section of Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood, at 11:00.