​​​​​​​Egyptian researcher: use of chemical weapons against Guerilla is defeat in front of Kurdish will

 The Egyptian political researcher, Walaa Abdullah, confirmed that the use of chemical weapons against the Guerilla forces is evidence of the abject failure of the Turkish occupation forces on the ground. She also pointed out that the resistance of the PKK fighters established a unique equation that deserves praise and study.

​​​​​​​Egyptian researcher: use of chemical weapons against Guerilla is defeat in front of Kurdish will
26 Decemberember 2022   23:15
 Cairo - Mohsen Al-Masry

 The Turkish occupation's use of chemical weapons against the Guerilla forces in southern Kurdistan provoked numerous Arab and international reactions condemning these attacks.

 On October 18, the leadership of the People's Defense Center (NPG) published the martyrdom of 17 male and female fighters from the Guerilla Forces;  They were martyred during the attacks launched by the Turkish occupation state with chemical weapons, noting the increase in chemical attacks due to the silence and international support for these attacks.

 A fiasco on the ground

 The Egyptian political researcher, Walaa Abdullah, considered that the use of chemical weapons by the Turkish army against the Guerilla forces, which led to the martyrdom of 17 male and female fighters, was not the first and will not be the last.

 Walaa told our agency: "Apart from all that is said and despite the bloodshed and martyrs, the use of this weapon is a sign of strength for the PKK, which has obviously become a difficult equation in front of the Turkish army, which was unable to perform the normal confrontation of a country that has an army that ranks among the strongest in the region."

 Walaa added, "It is clear that a catastrophic failure took place in his operations, which he launched in Iraq, violating international law, as it is attacking a neighboring country and its borders, an attack that has been going on for seven years and without any mention of positions other than condemnation and denunciation."

She pointed out that Turkey has become in a condemned equation, as the Kurds succeeded in the equation of existence despite the attempts of disappearance and extermination they have been subjected to since Ataturk's declaration of the state, considering that what is happening is the pinnacle of acquiescence in defeat in front of the Kurdish will.

 She pointed out that "this acquiescence began years ago and continues with the Kurdish steadfastness in northern Kurdistan in general, and with the achievement of the Kurdistan Workers' Party in particular."

 A case worth studying

 According to the Egyptian researcher, "the condition of the fighters of the Kurdistan Workers' Party deserves praise and study to identify the truth and nature of this unique equation, considering that the Kurdish experience in its cases exceeds the experience of the Irish Liberation Army, and many liberation movements in South America. They were able to understand all the lessons around them and walk  according to a manifesto that Ocalan put for them directly when he founded the party and trained its cadres one by one, then with its teachings that came out of his forced exile in Imrali, which was the result of a well-defined international conspiracy aimed at eliminating his ideas that terrorized them.

 Walaa affirmed, "Despite everything, Ocalan's disciples and his ideas remained and expanded among the Kurds in the four directions, as well as in the Arab world, whose way of dealing with the entire Kurdish situation has changed, which came due to a Kurdish trend as well.  Preserving his nationalism in the same current geographical frameworks means a lot to him, perhaps more than the idea of ​​a state, which is impossible to achieve with the regional and international situation as well.

The Kurdistan Workers Party should be removed from the "terror" list.

 As for the silence of the international powers on the policies and crimes of the Turkish occupation and its continuous violations of international law, the researcher believes that “this is an extended matter and the international community will not change even in its moves against Turkey, which is being led according to what is intended,” stressing that “Turkey is basically a cog in the circle of the international system and conspires." By ordering him in a specific functional role, despite everything and the Erdogan regime’s efforts in recent years to play a role greater than the role assigned to him by exploiting the situation.”

 The Egyptian researcher points out that the solution now is to continue the clear attempts and efforts to remove the PKK from the ban list, stressing that it is the first position that must be taken in order to stand seriously towards what Turkey is doing towards the party and its fighters.

 Anticipated crimes

 Walaa warned of "the acceleration of Turkish crimes against the PKK during the coming period to gain societal ground in the Turkish interior, which is still living in a state of condescension over the Kurdish situation, especially with the approach of the Turkish elections."

 Walaa stressed "the necessity of exerting regional political, cultural as well as media pressure to reveal the truth of what is happening and the crimes committed by Turkey against the Kurdish workers and to put public opinion before its responsibilities, pointing out that with public opinion the international community will act, but this equation also has become with the successive transformations internationally and regionally that needs efforts."  Doubling down, citing the movement caused by the Kurdish case of Gina Amini inside Iran and the international movements and reactions that followed.
