​​​​​​​Member of martyrs' families in Deir al-Zor: the attack on Gerilla is an attack on all free peoples

A member of the Council of Martyrs' Families in eastern countryside of Deir al-Zor, condemned the Turkish occupation state's use of chemical weapons against the People Defense Forces in southern Kurdistan, stressing that their use of chemical weapons is evidence of their inability and weakness to face the Gerilla forces.

​​​​​​​Member of martyrs' families in Deir al-Zor: the attack on Gerilla is an attack on all free peoples
27 Decemberember 2022   04:34

The use of chemical weapons by Turkish occupation state against People Defense Forces provoked great indignation by all components of north and east Syria, which condemned this crime and condemned the international silence about Turkish crimes against the people of the region.

In this regard, ANHA agency met with Hawas al-Jassim, one of the dignitaries of Baghouz tribes, who said, "We, people, elders and notables of the tribes of eastern countryside of Deir al-Zor, condemn the violations of Turkish occupation state recently, and its chemical bombing on Gerilla forces.

"Gerilla forces are the first force in the world that seeks to achieve Brotherhood of peoples, fighting for freedom and stability in the region in general," he added.

"We stand in solidarity with the people of Iraq, whether Kurds or Arabs," Al-Jassim stressed.

Al-Jassim called on all countries and United Nations to intervene immediately and hold Turkish occupation state accountable for its use of internationally banned weapons

Rakan al-Farih, member of Martyrs' Families Council in Hajin, said, "the attack on Gerilla forces means an attack on all free peoples; it is an attack on all humanity, and this is not the first time that Turkish occupation state has used internationally banned chemical weapons."
