​​​​​​​Hawar News Agency plan 10/27-20 2022

​​​​​​​Hawar News Agency plan 10/27-20 2022
26 Decemberember 2022   20:00

 The Young Women's Union in the Euphrates region is organizing a demonstration condemning the Turkish occupation's attacks on the legitimate defense zones. The demonstration starts from the Free Women's Square in the center of Kobani at 10.00 (photos and videos are attached).  .

 The Social Justice Council in the Euphrates region makes a statement condemning the Turkish state’s use of chemical weapons against the legitimate defense areas against the Guerilla forces, at 12:00 in front of its headquarters in the city of Kobani (photos and videos are attached)..

 The Egyptian political researcher, Walaa Abdullah, confirmed that the use of chemical weapons against the Guerilla forces is evidence of the catastrophic failure of the Turkish occupation forces on the ground. She also pointed out that the resistance of the PKK fighters, which established a unique equation that deserves praise and study (photos attached).

 Members of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) in the city of Raqqa stated that the Turkish attacks with internationally prohibited chemical weapons were a shameful act and contrary to all international laws, calling on the world public opinion to adopt the guerrilla resistance because it is a resistance for freedom and democracy (photos and videos are attached).

 Wajeeh clan, a member of the Martyrs’ Families Council in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor, condemned the Turkish occupation state’s use of chemical weapons against the Peoples' Defense Forces in Başûr (southern Kurdistan), stressing that its chemical use is evidence of its inability and weakness in confronting the Guerilla forces (photos and videos are attached).

 The Assistant Secretary-General of the Future Syria Party, Ahmed Al-Sultan Abu Araj, considered that the control of the mercenaries of Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham (formerly Al-Nusra Front) will only serve the regional and international powers (photos and videos are attached).


 The Turkish fascist leader began his policy on Syria, by supporting large and small mercenary groups such as ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra, from the beginning, that is, since he said, “Kobani fell, and now it is falling,” and thus played a role in the Syrian civil war, and Kobani inflicted the biggest defeat on ISIS mercenaries and caused  a catastrophic failure of the foreign policy of the fascist leader Erdogan, and the imbalance of ISIS was disturbed after the liberation of Raqqa, which was then considered a stronghold for ISIS and dealt a severe blow to its central leadership.  The defeat of ISIS in Al-Baghouz also eliminated the foundations of ISIS (photos are attached).