Guerillas deal painful blows to occupation army, latter uses poisonous gases

The People's Defense Forces (HPG) have carried out effective operations against the Turkish occupation army in the legitimate defense zones, while the occupation army continues its bombardment with toxic gases.

Guerillas deal painful blows to occupation army, latter uses poisonous gases
19 July 2021   11:06

HPG Media Center issued a statement on field developments in the legitimate defense zones in Southern Kurdistan.

The statement included:

"Within the framework of the Revolutionary Zagros Hawks Campaign in Avashin area, our forces carried out an operation on July 18 against the Turkish occupation army's positions in Gireh Suleiman Square, using heavy weapons.

Our forces' great resistance on the battlefronts and tunnels in Warkhali Square is ongoing.

On July 18, the occupation forces attacked that area using poisonous gases and explosives, without making any progress in it.

On July 18, occupation army's helicopters hovered over the areas of Mervanos, Katibat al-Arab and Gireh Suleiman. The occupation also bombed the areas of Gireh Sor and Stuna.

On July 19, our forces confronted the occupation army while it was trying to advance towards the fighting fronts in the areas of Gireh Sor, obliging the occupation forces to retreat. On the same day, the occupation army tried to attack again and our forces repelled it, forcing it to retreat, while the occupation army bombarded Gireh Sor areas.

In the context of the Revolutionary Khabur Battle Campaign in the areas of Avashin and Metina:

On July 17, our forces carried out an operation against the occupation army in Gireh Dopashki in Heftanin area, using heavy weapons and inflicting painful blows on the enemy, and the occupation sites were directly targeted.

On July 18, the occupation army helicopters hovered over Qashoura and Metina areas. Helicopters also bombed the villages of Hesti and Haruri in Kani Massi belonging to Amidya.

On July 18, the forces of the Turkish occupation army stationed at the border outposts bombarded Jarjoy area with Ubis cannons.

On July 19, warplanes of the Turkish occupation army bombed Jamjo and Sidayi areas.

During all these attacks and bombings, our forces were not harmed."