PYD congratulates Syrian people on Eid al-Adha

Union Democratic Party, the PYD, expressed congratulations to the Syrian people on the Eid al-Adha wishing it brings peace and security to whole of Syria.

PYD congratulates Syrian people on Eid al-Adha
19 July 2021   07:36
News desk

Marking Eid al-Adha General Council of the Union Democratic Party, the PYD, issued a statement:

''we celebrate this Eid al-Adha as a tightened continue to be imposed on our areas and Turkish occupation forces and the affiliate mercenary groups seek to destabilize the region and strike at society coexistence. Society that is determined is able to preserve with all hardships and come out of crisis stronger to achieve victory against occupation and terror and to establish peace and security to his home and region and to practice his religious rituals and observe his holidays. 

We express our heartily congratulations to this steadfast society on Eid al-Adha wishing all welfare to people in north eastern Syria on the hope that peace and security prevail and all occupied Syrian territories are liberated from the yoke of the Turkish occupation forces and all IDPs return home.
