Rojava Revolution did not deviate from principles 

If the 20 th century was marked by revolutions against governing regimes, the 21 st century is marked by the elimination of most revolutionary movements by the dominant regime. However, the Rojava Revolution was an exception and managed to withstand all the liquidation attacks it suffered. As defeat has its factors, victory and resistance also have thier factors, so what are the fundamental differences between the Rojava Revolution and the other ones?

Rojava Revolution did not deviate from principles 
19 July 2021   05:52

July 19th Revolution was able to avert power struggle during 9 years, adopted the approach of the third line.

How the Rojava revolution managed to withstand despite the attacks it was subjected to, starting with the occupation of Afrin in 2018, and one year later, the occupation of Serê Kaniyê/ Ras al-Ain and Tal Abyad, in addition to the internal attacks through the cells of the Damascus Government and smear campaigns conducted by the Kurdish National Council loyal to the Kurdistan Democratic Party against the Autonomous Administration?

How did the revolution and the Autonomous Administration, which is not recognized by the international community, it has been besieged since the first day, the Turkish occupation state closed all crossings with it, as did Damascus and the Kurdistan Democratic Party? Many attempts were also made to lure it into the trap of power, and to divert it from its path and attach it to the existing system.

There must be something that distinguishes the Rojava Revolution from the rest of the revolutions, but that does not mean that the revolution has passed the stage of danger and reached safety.

'There's a big difference between the State and the Autonomous Administration .'

Hassan Kocher Vice –Chairman of the Executive Council of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, says, "There's a big difference between the State and Autonomous Administration about what is related of revolution issue. Revolutions in the 20th century have mostly aspired to establish state and power and this is a major reason why society's issues of freedom, economics, famine, murder, beatings and massacres have not been resolved. "

Kocher linked the failure of the revolutions to achieve their goals to their direction towards power, which he saw as a fundamental deviation from the essence of the revolution. "This method has been followed frequently and many revolutions have emerged in the twentieth century on the basis of the evolution of society and its freedom, but it has moved away from its objective because the revolutions were aimed at establishing a State and power.

He adds:" revolutions that first emerged for the freedom of society and finally moved towards power did not serve the community, but became an authority above society, derailed society, created real diseases in society and applied intense power to society. The main reason is that the theory of revolution and its ideology created large spaces. The state and power were not seriously analyzed like the constructed socialism developed in Russia, which is currently in serious aberration. They thought they would reach democracy and socialism through state and power, but turned into a dictatorship and supported dictatorial states as Russia lives. For example, Russia has provided 30 million martyrs so far, but it has not been able to build a democratic system and an institutional state, and so far the dictatorship is running in Russia. "

As for the Rojava Revolution, Kocher, says, "the Rojava Revolution is based on a new theory and a new model. Revolutions in the twentieth century were based on the principle of changing existing power and taking its place in power, but Rojava Revolution is not. The philosophical concept of the Rojava Revolution is not based on the elimination of the existing State and the establishment of a new one, but on the building of a moral, political and democratic society. We need a new society. In the event of the democratization of society, the democratic system will be established on its own, so we have not followed in the footsteps of the old revolutions, but have chosen a new theory and a new model of revolution, revolutions in the 21st century as compared to the scientific revolutions aimed at changing the character, objectives and strategy of the revolution, and we have developed the theory of the new revolution on that basis. "

Kocher went on to explain the meaning of the third line in the Rojava Revolution, "At the beginning of the July 19th Revolution, we chose the third line, and that means getting rid of the mentality of the state and power. The third line is a democratic society. We didn't choose to stand by the regime neither the opposition, and it's because they're both based on an authoritarian mindset. "

democratic nation does not means the exclusion of one state and the establishment of another but the building of a moral, political and democratic society. Society must possess power and organization. So July 19th Revolution is an important revolution and a new model in the Middle East and the world, even Europe, why it depends on civil society because the country and the problems are growing. State inflation is becoming a problem in Europe, it was necessary to reduce the state and its authority, so the society advanced and called it the third arena. State inflation has become a problem in Europe, so the area of state power has been reduced. So they relied on a federal system like the European Union.

On ways to ensure that the Rojava Revolution remains in its approach, Hassan Kocher identifies several conditions, "Our theory that we rely on to ensure the protection of the Rojava Revolution is first of all feminist's movement. Because women's liberation was not on the agenda of any revolution. For the first time, the Rojava Revolution relied on women's freedom as a foundation. The freedom of women, the ideology of women's liberation and the science of women (Jineology), these are all guarantees to prevent the decline of the Rojava Revolution towards power. This is on the one hand. "

Hassan Kocher warned of risks'' if we didn't implement on the ground and didn't establish it, we'd make big mistakes. There may be persons within AANES who have shortcomings that are accustomed to power and the state system, but the strategy and measures of AA are women's freedom and secondly the communes, council, institutions, self-administration, democratic and environmental society that would prevent the penetration of the State System." .

From his part, journalist Khalil Jamal warns that not being prepared for a phase of chaos will give the dominant powers an opportunity to take advantage of it and says, "Every mess creates an opportunity for revolution. What is important is for organized institutions of mind to be in a position to lead the stage by taking advantage of the opportunities created by the stages of chaos. Those institutions must regulate their time and style according to this objective. Otherwise, forces of state will be the first beneficiary. The first beneficiary of the Third World War is the major arms manufacturing companies and the world powers,” adding, “But in northern Syria, the Rojava Revolution also triumphed, we thought it was time not just for the Kurds, but for all peoples. This expanded the scope of Rojava Revolution. One third of Syria represented the People's Freedom Line under the name North and East Syria. This is like the revolution of Russians that went beyond ethnic identity and became called the Union of Socialist Republics (USSR). "

Jamal asserts that the leader Abdullah Ocalan’s paradigm, which presents a new explanation of the revolution, was the determining factor in the Rojava Revolution not slipping towards power and the state. “With these characteristics, the revolution of north and east Syria turned into a center of resistance in the face of capitalist modernity. The socialist state, which grew up on the basis of the nation-state, and on the basis of the leader Abdullah Ocalan's pragmatism, provided a new explanation for the revolution. On the other hand, the revolution in northern and eastern Syria placed the liberation of socialist ideology from the influences of liberalism at the center of its goals. With these characteristics, the revolution in north and east Syria opened new horizons for the people in war, revolution and freedom.

"Today, with those characteristics, our revolution is trying to create a free world on the basis of the free participation of women and men and with all peoples, in particular Arabs, Kurds and Syriacs. Today, more than ever before people are embracing the leader's ideology more than ever, and with the leadership of their sacrificed leaders in north and east Syria, they are heading towards a future that will be an inspiration for humanity in confronting occupation and fascism. "