21 murders in occupied canton since beginning of 2021

Afrin Activists Network has documented 21 murders committed by the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries against Kurds among them children and women in the occupied canton of Afrin since the beginning of 2021.

21 murders in occupied canton since beginning of 2021
9 June 2021   06:05

The report prepared by the network covers crimes committed from the beginning of 2021 until the end of last May. The report documents the Turkish crimes' victims with names and photos.

At the beginning of its report, the network said, "Three and more years have passed since the occupation of Afrin city by Turkey and its armed factions / mercenaries after using various types of military weapons and bringing in extremist mercenaries from the remnants of ISIS and Jabhet Al-Nusra terrorist organizations."

The report added, "Since the first day of the occupation of Afrin city on March 18, 2018, the first goal of the occupation and its mercenaries has been targeting civilians and getting rid of every Kurdish person remained in the city."

The report pointed to Turkey's going further in crimes in order to force the Kurds remaining in the occupied canton to leave it. "The methods of targeting them vary between killing, kidnapping, torture and intimidation, and restricting them to push them to leave the city and make room for the mercenaries' families to seize their property."

The report added, "Civilians who insisted on staying clinging to the land of their ancestors and decided to stand in the face of strangers were subjected to the worst kinds of psychological pressures. The situation led some of them to die for not tolerating strangers among them."

The network stressed that the documented figures do not reflect the extent of Turkish crimes due to the tightened security in the occupied canton of Afrin and the prevention of the media from revealing the truth.