Sheikh Baqi to PDK: If you trust Turkey, the Kurdish people will kill you later

The General Secretary of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Party, P.D.K.S. Jamal Sheikh Baqi, explained the further escalation of anti - Turkish occupation positions in Southern Kurdistan and warned the Kurdish Democratic Party of an imminent end if it continues to pursue a course hostile to the aspirations of the Kurdish people to be free from colonialism.

Sheikh Baqi to PDK: If you trust Turkey, the Kurdish people will kill you later
9 June 2021   07:09

In a meeting with ANHA agency, Sheikh Baqi also criticized the PDK for its cooperation with the Turkish Occupation State and demanded that the party "weaken faith and say no to occupation."

Sheikh Baqi said: "Year after year, the Democratic Party has placed its throat between the tentacles of the Turkish Occupying State and has now reached a point where it cannot say a word to the Turkish occupation. If you put your neck in the hands of your enemy, it will be his constant scheme to annihilate you. "

'The Kurds will support the Kurdistan Democrat if it stands up to the occupation '.

Jamal Sheikh Baqi noted that the Kurdish people in the four parts of Kurdistan were willing to support the Kurdistan Democratic Party in case he said no to the Turkish Occupying State and addressed the Democratic Party: "Be brave and say no to those who want to undermine the Kurd's gains, then you are supported by all the Kurdish people and you will not be alone, and be confident you will be supported by 50 million Kurds in Kurdistan."

"The Turkish Occupying State is now planning to annihilate the Kurd and launch attacks on the Kurdish power center of the Kurdistan Liberation Movement.

Sheikh Baqi stated that the Kurdish people were fully aware of the dangers and objectives of the Turkish Occupying State , and demanded that the Democratic Party should not justify the Turkish attacks: "No matter how much you try to justify the attacks through some wage earners, you can't fool the Kurdish people who are characterizing the enemy from the friend, no one can change the Kurdish mind anymore, the people who are fighting for their cause and fully aware of the struggle that the Kurdish liberation movement has been fighting for 40 years to internationalize the Kurdish cause in Kurdistan and the world."

Sheikh Baqi noted that the Kurdistan Democratic Party could say that it could not open a front against the Turkish Occupying State, but could not impose its opinion on the Kurdish people: "Let the people of  Başûr Kurdistan express their view against the Turkish Occupying State, why try to obscure and suppress the freedom of expression of the people in Kurdistan express their view against the Turkish Occupying State, why try to obscure and suppress the freedom of expression of the people in Başûr ? Why are you trying to deceive the people? "

'Do not open a front but do not support the occupation projects of the Turkish Occupying States.'

Sheikh Baqi of the PDK demanded that the Turkish occupation should not be justified. "We tell him not to open a front, but not to support the occupying Power's occupation projects.

Jamal Sheikh Baqi confirmed that intra fighting within Kurdistan was the main objective of the extermination of Kurd, and addressed the Kurdistan Democratic Party: "Why don't you want to know that? Why can't you understand that the Kurdish people will not accept such a policy? Today, if you look at Turkey, the Kurdish people will kill you later, "noting that" the Kurdish people now and in Başûr Kurdistan have begun to declare their positions that reject the policies of the Kurdistan Democrat. "

Sheikh Baqi stated that the PDK can stand up to the Turkish occupation "and stand up to the occupation gives it legitimacy at the international level, rather than the regime of Saddam Hussein in the past. He added: "During the intifada against Saddam Hussein, the international community viewed the intifada as an internal affair, so some States did not express positions on it, but if the Democratic Party stood up to the Turkish occupation, all States would support it and its resistance, not only at the military level, but at the diplomatic and political level, but in the event of support for the occupation, the party would support one."

'False pretenses'

He asserted that the Democratic Party's claims that there was an Iraqi-Turkish agreement on entering deep into the territory of Başûr Kurdistan and Iraqi territory were a lie. It is a "pursuit" agreement, which does not allow the Turkish army to enter and occupy Başûr Kurdistan about 50 km deep and establish military and intelligence bases within it, nor does it provide for the threat to the lives of citizens. "

'The PKK is in Southern Kurdistan under a tripartite agreement '.

On the allegations by the PDK that the PKK presence in Southern Kurdistan is illegal, Sheikh Baqi said: " Secretary of the Kurdistan Socialist Democratic Party, Mohammad Haji Mahmoud, stated in a PDK media that the PKK presence in Qandil exists within the framework of a tripartite agreement between it and the PDK and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, which agreed and accepted the presence of the PKK in and around Qandil after the war of the early 1990s," he asked: "Why hide it from the people?" He added: "The Democratic Party should not believe it can deceive the people all the time. Every day and gradually things become clear and, in the end, the Kurdish people are not dependent on anyone. Yes, the Kurdish people respect their leaders, but they are primarily linked to their Kurdish nationality and do not sell themselves to anyone. "

'The PDK is present thanks to the resistance of the PKK '.

He addressed the PDK: "Do you, who have been practicing politics for 7 decades, and are the PDK over 70 years old not understand Turkey's policy and strategy? Let this aside, is there a PKK presence in Libya or Armenia and Azerbaijan, this is a Turkish colonial mentality that sees those areas as its own. Not in Qandil Mountains or in the areas controlled by the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Erdogan and the Turkish state seek to control Kirkuk and Mosul, those who impede these ambitions are the power of the Kurdistan liberation movement and want to remove this movement from their path. If the power of the Kurdistan liberation movement is excluded, Erdogan and the Turkish State are prepared to carry out their colonial designs. "'

On the direct and public participation of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (PDK) in the Turkish - led extermination schemes against Kurds, Sheikh Baqi said: "Unfortunately, we thought that the Kurdistan Democratic Party would move on the Kurdistan street and would not dare to participate in the Turkish plans and would seek a way out of this step. Unfortunately, it is clear that the parties cooperating with the occupation within the Kurdistan Democratic Party are the strongest. Unfortunately, this will have serious consequences, but the Kurdistan Democratic Party must not believe that the Kurdish people will accept this. The Kurdistan Liberation Movement represents the life and existence of an entire people and this people will not accept their own annihilation and strangulation of their lives. "

I believe that the Kurdistan Democratic Party will be involved in the occupation schemes as long as Erdogan is at the helm of Turkey. But to look from a broader angle, is it possible for the world to remain silent and flexible with Erdogan's policies indefinitely, the Kurdistan Democratic has to think about it. Let us take a look at the internal situation in Turkey, at Turkish relations in the region and at its international policies. We believe that Turkey is suffering from severe crises. 

'Resistance against occupation will escalate'

Sheikh Baqi referred to the position of the Iraqi Government: "The Iraqi Government is extremely weak and chaotic and cannot take serious positions against the Turkish occupation. The maximum it can do is take verbal positions, but on the ground it's a crippling government. " He added: "In Southern Kurdistan, there is a Kurdistan Democratic Party (PDK) governor on the region, supported by Turkey, who poses a threat to Southern Kurdistan."

Sheikh Baqi expected the emergence of stronger anti-occupation positions in the near term "It is the will of the people that strengthens our positions if some voices begin to rise in Southern Kurdistan. With time, you will expose these positions of the Kurdistan Democratic Party. Why do we see popular opposition to the occupation and not opposition from some Kurdistan parties? Because it is subject to the PDK in exchange for seats in Parliament, government positions or economic support from the PDK, "he continued: "In the end, however, those parties will not compromise on their patriotism for certain things and will have to raise their voices because the subject is Kurdistan."

"The Kurdish people have principles and do not accept intra fighting and will finally raise their voice. We must not be late because the delay increases the burden on us. The Kurdish people must say loudly not to infighting. "

"It is flawed to kill your Kurdish brother on the pretext that Turkey is occupying the region on the pretext that your Kurdish brother is on this earth. The Kurdish people must therefore say neither to occupation nor to infighting. "



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