Hasso: Resistance is right and victory is right; we have the right to continue with them

The co-chair of the Movement for Democratic Society TEV-DEM, Ghraib Hasso said that the rising resistance in the Kurdistan Mountains carries with it the triumph of the peoples of the Middle East.

Hasso: Resistance is right and victory is right; we have the right to continue with them
Hasso: Resistance is right and victory is right; we have the right to continue with them
Hasso: Resistance is right and victory is right; we have the right to continue with them
Hasso: Resistance is right and victory is right; we have the right to continue with them
Hasso: Resistance is right and victory is right; we have the right to continue with them
Hasso: Resistance is right and victory is right; we have the right to continue with them
3 June 2021   05:54

Since the previous April 23rd, the Turkish Occupation Army has been carrying out extermination and occupation attacks on the areas (Zap, Avaşîn, Metîna) of the legitimate defence zones (Medya) in Başûr Kurdistan.


Yesterday, hundreds of Sheikh Maqsood and Ashrafiyeh neighborhoods demonstrated to denounce the attacks by the occupying army and to confirm their support for the resistance of the Guerilla Fighters.

The residents gathered in front of the conference hall in the western section of the Sheikh Maqsood neighbourhood, raising photos of Leader Abdullah Ocalan and flags of the Kongra Star and the Council of the Families of Martyrs. Protesters toured the streets of the neighbourhood towards the eastern section of the Sheikh Maqsood neighbourhood, where they gathered in the Square of "Seven Martyrs".

After a minute of silence, the co-chair of the Movement for a Democratic Society TEV-DEM, Ghraib Hasan, delivered speech at the beginning in which he praised resisting the Guerilla Fighters, calling them protectors of the land and the honor, who had maintained the principles of morality and history, and saying that their resistance was legendary in the face of the region's most powerful armies.

He continued: "Guerilla Fighters resist and confront the most heinous policies and intrigue against them, and resist the endeavours of Turkey and its agents to occupy the region."

As for the need to work to protect oneself and defend the honor Hasso said: "We have the right to defend, rally and support the Guerilla Forces because they are the only ones who destroy terrorism and occupation, and the fighters against the Ottoman chauvinistic mindset."

Hasso noted that the victory of the Guerilla Fighters in the (Zap, Avaşîn, Metîna) regions is a victory for all of the Middle East. "Hence the importance of supporting these forces with all means."
He concluded by stressing the importance of continued resistance and determination to defend the civilization and history of the region, to prevent the demise of history that protected societies from collapse.

The co-chair of the Council of Martyrs' Families of Aleppo Roshin Musa also made a statement in which she said that: "The families of the martyrs continue to support the resistance of their children, who will destroy the occupying forces."
She concluded her speech by emphasizing that victory will be the ally of the freedom fighters in the battle taking place in the Kurdistan Mountains.