AANES warns against sedition bids saying peaceful demonstration rightful

The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria called on the people in the city of Manbij and it's tribes not to drag behind attempts of sedition and dispute and to preserve peace and security and the public welfare, stressing that external hands aim at exploiting protests and the popular demands made by the Manbij people.

AANES warns against sedition bids saying peaceful demonstration rightful
3 June 2021   04:15

On the latest incidents in the city of Manbij The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria issued a statement reads:

''since Manbij was liberated on August 15th, 2016, at the hands of the Syrian Democratic Forces, and all components of North and East Syria, many parts try systematically to revive terror and forbid Manbij and territories from the stability that prevails the whole area after it's people were inflicted with ISIS calamities and by the  Syrian Regime. Stability prevailed all owing to the sacrifices made by SDF and our people in Manbij.

All bets by the Syrian Regime and mercenary groups affiliated to Turkey and Turkey itself on Manbij to deprive it of freedom and dignity  will fell to the ground.

We confirm that the right to peaceful demonstration is preserved in the Social Contract of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria and we respect all peoples' demands as well as rights and duties but external parts supported and instigated by the Syrian Regime cells and also ISIS all proved undeniably are working to exploit and utilize such demands made by people of Manbij that are protesting for some days to divert it in opposition to interests of our people in Manbij.

We are all depending on the awareness of our people in Manbij and it's depply rooted tribes and all home loving people to forbid any part of exploiting these demands  and to be vigilant to the bids of stirring up sedition and to converge on the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria to preserve peace and security and the public welfare, and to maintain all goals for which hundreds of heroes martyred the first of which Faisal Abu Laila and Adnan Abu Amjad and many other comrades. The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria will remain committed to the pledge on which it was established that is serving people and attaining what secures peace stability and dignity''.
