Women: Occupier's attacks are to undermine the resistance of the people, women

The women of Hasakah and Tirbespiyê explained that the Turkish Occupation's attacks on legitimate defence zones were aimed at undermining the resistance of the people, the fighters and the will of the women. They stressed that they would continue their struggle against the occupation.

Women: Occupier's attacks are to undermine the resistance of the people, women
3 June 2021   04:14

Attacks by the Turkish Occupation Army on legitimate defence zones have continued since April 23rd last without any result in the face of resistance from freedom fighters.


The Director of the Training Committee of the Kongra Star in Hasakah Canton, Ragaa Ismail, considers that the objective of the Turkish Occupation in its attacks on the regions of Medya is to renew its terrorism, break the resistance of the people and the fighters, the free will of women and weaken the national spirit.

Ragaa Ismail, noting that the Turkish Occupation fears the democratic nation project, which is in the service of all peoples.

"Women participate in this resistance and face the Turkish Occupation with their power and will, with which they have become a source of concern for the occupier."

In conclusion, Ragaa Ismail praised the great resistance of Guerilla Fighters in the Kurdistan Mountains.
'We will continue to struggle '

Khunaf Shamo is a citizen from Çil Agha District, noting that the Kurdish people have had will and land for thousands of years and have advocated their rights and freedoms like all other peoples, but that the Turkish State considers them a danger to its policy and fights them to date.

She added "The Turkish State's attacks on legitimate defence zones are a continuation of its attacks on north and east Syria aimed at eradicating the Kurdish people and the peoples of north and east Syria."


"The Guerilla Forces' resistance on legitimate defence zones is heroic and is attested by history against the third most powerful nation in the world, which used the sophisticated weapons in its battle, and this will of the Guerilla Forces derives from the sacrifices of our martyrs."

Shamo finally stated that the Kurdish people will not accept any aggression, will not stand idly by and will continue to struggle.



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