Hawar News Agency Center Plan 2-2-2021

Hawar News Agency Center Plan 2-2-2021
1 February 2021   22:00

- Follow-up of the events in the regions of northeast Syria.

- Follow-up of the events and activities in northeast Syria.

- regions of northeast Syria are witnessing a memorial ceremony for the fighter, Viyan Soran, (attached with photos and video).

The People's Protection Units and Women are holding a meeting with the families of the martyrs in the city of Qamishlo (attached with photos and video).

- The Media Center of the Internal Security Forces in NE Syria will hold a press conference in the town of Rumelan, in the Martyr Mohieddin Academy, at 13:00, (attached with photos and video).

- People of Al-Hol district will demonstrate in a demonstration, denouncing the Turkish threats on Şengal and Derik, at 10:00 (attached with photos and video)

- The co-chair of the Education Authority in the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria indicated that one of their priorities during 2021 is to establish a unified curriculum, internationally recognized, and to appoint teachers with expertise and specializations. (Attached with pictures and video).


- Citizen Muhammad Khatib noted that what the leader said during his meeting with him in 1995, about the gains in Rojava, was achieved today on the ground, and he said: “He told us that if the Kurdish people united themselves, no force could finish it.” (Attached with photos and video).

- The Council of the Families of Martyrs in the Euphrates Region affirmed to follow the path of resistance and continue with all activities to support the prison resistance until the isolation of Commander Abdullah Ocalan is lifted." (Attached with photos and video).

- The families of the martyrs demanded the Kurdistan Democratic Party not to conclude agreements with the Turkish state against Rojava and Şengal, and stressed that Turkey is an enemy of the Kurdish people, pointing out that they sacrificed their children for the sake of the unity of the Kurdish people. (Attached with pictures and video).


- Kongra Star in Aleppo and in the two districts of Tirbespiye and Tal Tamer, the martyr Viyan Soran, at 11:00, (attached with photos and video).

- The Women's Council of the Democratic Union Party is making a statement to the public opinion regarding the campaign launched by the Council to condemn violence against women, at 11:00 hours (attached with photos and video).

- Participants in the second human rights forum said that Turkey and its mercenaries are committing the most heinous crimes against women, and they called on women's movements to take “measures regarding these crimes, because women are the basis of community cohesion.” (Attached with photos and video).


- Member of the Presidency Commission in SDC, Khalil Abdo, confirmed that the fact that the current political process in Geneva is far from representing the Syrian people and serving them in the interests of foreign agendas, and the attempt to gain time by the Damascus government until elections are held is the reason for the failure of the work of the Constitutional Committee. (Attached with pictures and video).


- The Syrian Revolutionary Youth Union in the city of Kobani recalls the martyr Vyan Suran, at 11:00 (attached with photos and video).


American analyst in the field of global conflict and a specialist in geopolitics, Dr. Thoreau Redcrw, believes that President Biden will find a region divided into three main blocs, which were formed largely due to Turkish expansionism. (Attached with pictures).

- People of Aleppo emphasized that the Syrian government and the Turkish occupation state are but two sides of the same coin, for the Damascus government aims to break the people's will, and also aims to stir up strife and chaos in the Autonomous Administration regions, calling for the necessity of joining efforts to undermine the special war policies that Practiced on the area. (Attached with pictures and video).