Participants in Second Human Rights Forum demand to hold Turkey accountable for its crimes

Participants in the Second Human Rights Forum said that Turkey and its mercenaries are committing the most heinous crimes against women, and they called on women's movements to take "measures, because women are the center of the community cohesion."

Participants in Second Human Rights Forum demand to hold Turkey accountable for its crimes
2 February 2021   03:34

The second forum on Tukey crimes was held in occupied Afrin, on the 30th of last January, in Qamishlo city, at the initiative of the Research and Women's Rights Organization in Syria, the Law Initiative Organization, the Rojava Center for Strategic Studies and the Human Rights Organization Afrin – Syria, the Human Rights Organization on Al-Jazira, with more than 150 participants from Syria and abroad.

The forum shed light on the crimes committed against the people of Afrin, especially women and children, by Turkey and its mercenaries.

Commenting on the forum, ANHA's agency correspondent interviewed the Co-chair of the Executive Council of the Autonomous Administration in Afrin region, met Shiraz Hamo, saying: “The administration in Afrin is making great efforts to document and expose the crimes of the Turkish occupier in the occupied Afrin, urging the IDPs in al-Shahba are currently raising escalating their resistance, in addition to the efforts made to confront the policies of the Turkish occupation. We hold forums and dialogue sessions to draw the attention of the international community to crimes in Afrin, and to attract democratic forces attention in the world".

'The starting point'

Hamo indicated that there are several forums held on Afrin, pointing out that the documented crimes constitute part of the crimes in Afrin compared to what is happening there. She added that these forums are "the starting point for pressure on the international community and taking these cases to international courts and human rights organizations to put pressure on Turkey, regarding its brutal war crimes in Afrin. "

He added: “When women are targeted, women's gains are targeted.” She added, “We realize that their will in Afrin was materialized in their representation in the administration.”

'Break the will'

She noted the woman’s response to the Turkish attacks, and added: “Regarding Erdogan's policy, undermining the woman comes to level of breaking the will of society, as it is taken as a basic rule in its occupation; their crimes against women in Afrin are best evidence of this, and these crimes cannot be accepted by the human conscience. "

And she went on to say: “The Turkish occupier and the affiliated mercenaries master the methods of torturing women and crimes against them, whether it is mass rape, sexual slavery, kidnapping, murder, or torture. Therefore, women's movements must take measures regarding these crimes, because they are the basis of community cohesion."

'End the occupation'

In the conclusion of her speech, the Co-chair of the Executive Council of the Autonomous Administration in Afrin region, Shiraz Hamo, affirmed, "To end the crimes, the occupation must end, not only in Afrin but in all over Syria, as it is an essential step to reach a solution to the Syrian crisis and the issue of the displaced under international auspices."

'Crime increases day by day'

For her part, Member of the Preparatory Committee for the Human Rights Forum and the Co-Chair of the Social Justice Council in the Jazira region, attorney Aynur Pasha, told our ANHA agency: “When the first Human Rights Forum was held in 2018, a platform was formed to document all crimes in Afrin, to prepare cases to send to the concerned authorities and to file lawsuits against the Turkish occupier."

"Some cases were sent to the International Court of Human Rights, but they were unfortunately rejected, because any case against Turkey should be put before its courts first, then the international courts," she said.

Pasha added: “Many crimes have been documented that increase day by day in Afrin and al-Shahba, as this area is subjected to repeated barbaric shelling while the intensity of crimes in Afrin against women has increased. Fate of some women remains unknown until this moment. "

Documenting crimes and taking them to the international community

And it stated that "So far, the works that have been established only as documentary, because the way these files are sent to the concerned authorities has not been reached, due to international laws and agreements, and the principles of accountability for perpetrators of crimes, as both Syria and Turkey have not signed the statute of the Criminal Court. Therefore, there is difficulty in applying this on Turkey despite the fact that it has committed massacres against the peoples of NE Syria. "

She concluded her speech by saying: "Human rights organizations are doing their work in documenting crimes committed by Turkey against the people of northeast Syria, and these files and documents will be sent to the international human rights authorities when the opportunity is offered."



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