Hunger strikers issued statement to UN Commission

Qamişlo people who are on hunger strike in solidarity with the parliamentarian Leyla Guven delivered a statement to the UN High Commission for Human Rights in the city, explaining the serious health status of the parliamentarian Layla Guven, and violations document the demographic and cultural change in Afrin at the hands of the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries.

Hunger strikers issued statement to UN Commission
30 January 2019   19:41


Under the slogan "In the Spirit of Prisons' Resistance, We Will Break the Isolation's Restrictions," Qamişlo people, in cooperation with Kongra Star, set up a sit-in tent in Qamişlo city in solidarity with the parliamentarian Leyla Guven in front of the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights Office three days ago, and 80 people from Qamişlo participated in the hunger strike on the third and final day.

On Wednesday, the people ended their hunger strike in solidarity with the parliamentarian Leyla Guven whose hunger strike lasted for 84 days to break the isolation imposed on Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan in the prisons of the Turkish state.

The participants in the hunger strike launched slogans, "We Salute the Prisons' Resistance, We Salute Leyla's Resistance, Resistance Is Life, We Salute the Leader Ocalan."

The preparatory committee of the hunger strike entered the United Nations' building to hand them over a statement about the bad conditions through which Leyla Guven is going and the demands she call for in addition to the killings, kidnappings, and demographic and cultural change in Afrin by the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries.

In the end, the hunger strikers gathered in front of the United Nations' building in Qamişlo city, holding the pictures of Ocalan and the parliamentarian Leyla Guven. There, the administrator in Kongra Star read the statement which was delivered to the Commission. The statement included,

"To the United Nations' High Commission

From this tent, we express to you our deep concern over the serious and continuous escalation of human rights' violations committed by the Turkish occupation forces that occupied the Syrian lands; Azaz, Jarablus, al-Bab and Afrin in violation in immoral ways violating all international conventions and rights. All this occur before the eyes of the whole world and without any positions of human rights institutions.

In addition to arresting countless parliamentarians and civilians, who are struggling for the Kurdish Cause, under the pretext of terrorism.

Since the hunger strike is one of the means of peaceful struggle and to demand humanitarian rights and demands, and in solidarity with the parliamentarian of the Democratic Peoples' Party Leyla Guven, and a number of comrades who are held in the Turkish state's prisons, they declared their hunger strike in order to break the isolation imposed on the leader Abdullah Ocalan whose 20th anniversary marks the 15th of February.

In order to break this isolation imposed on the leader Abdullah Ocalan, the parliamentarian Leyla Guven and even after her release continues her hunger strike on the 84th day in a row and there are a number of civilians who are struggling to resolve the Kurdish Cause which became an international cause in most European countries, and some other regional countries whose health status is in danger..

Therefore, on behalf of all those present and in this tent, we ask the international community and the United Nations to take their responsibilities and break their silence towards the crimes of the Turkish occupation because the continued consideration of the Turkish occupation state to be above the law has serious repercussions at the international level by losing the world's confidence in the standards, values and slogans of the human rights."