Hawar news agency center's daily 31-01-2019

Hawar news agency center's daily 31-01-2019
31 January 2019   03:00

Following up the Resistance of the Age in its second phase, Afrin people's situation who are residing in al-Shahba and the activities supporting the Resistance of the Age.

Following up the last developments of the Turkish occupation army's attack on north and east of Syria, Başûr Kurdistan and lawful defense zones, and the operations of HPG against the Turkish occupation army.

Following up the developments of the battel to defeat terrorism that is considered the last stage of al-Jazeera Tempest campaign to liberate Hajin area, the last stronghold of IS mercenaries in Deir ez-Zor.

PYD in al-Hasakah city holds its first conference in Resho hall in al-Musheirfeh neighborhood in al-Hasakah city at 09:00 (attached with photos and video).

DAA's General Council of North and East Syria holds a meeting to ratify the rule of procedure of the Social Affairs and Education Bodies in Ain Issa town at 11:00  (attached with photos and video).

The Democratic Conservatives Party opens an office in Tel Hamis district in Qamişlo canton at 10:00  (attached with photos and video).


Saleh Muslem said that some parties contacted with them in 2013 and said, "Your unity must not continue, if it did, you would be our enemies," in this massage, it has been clear that those parties obstruct the Kurdish unity using some pretexts (attached with photos and video). 


Narjes Bakir pointed out that Leyla Guven's resistance in the Turkish prisons motivated them to release her as they are aware that if something happened to her, the balances would be changed in Turkey (attached with photos and video).