Youth Movement's General Council formed organizational committees

The General Board of the Syrian Revolutionary Youth Movement formed its organizational committees during its first meeting.

Youth Movement's General Council formed organizational committees
30 January 2019   17:49


The General Council of the Syrian Revolutionary Youth Movement held its first meeting after its establishment during the second conference of Rojava Youth Union that was held in November 9th - 10th to form its committees and evaluate the activities of the sub-offices of the Movement in the cities and towns of north and east Syria.

The members and administrators of the General Board of the Youth Movement attended the meeting which was held in Ain Issa district in Girê Spî canton.

In the meeting, the attendees evaluated the activities of the sub-offices of the Youth Movement and the works achieved during the last period, and discussed them. Moreover, the participants set forward plans and outlines to work through during the next period.

The participants formed 9 committees each of which is consisted for 3 members of the General Board of the Youth Movement including the Women Committee, Training Committee, Media Committee, Protection Committee, Diplomacy Committee, Politics Committee, Students Committee, Culture and Art Committee and Sports Committee.

The spokesman on behalf of the Syrian Revolutionary Youth Movement Bashar al-Salem pointed out during his speech to Hawar news agency that they developed a plan to work on with the approach of the anniversary of the arrest of the democratic nation's leader Abdullah Ocalan, organized the anti-Turkish occupation activities in addition to organizing the marches and demonstrations to stand in solidarity with the struggler Leyla Guven denouncing the isolation imposed on the leader Ocalan.

It is worth mentioning that Rojava Youth Union changed the flag, slogan and name of the Movement to "the Syrian Revolutionary Youth Movement" and elected a General Board consisted of 49 members during its second conference that was held on the 9th and 10th of November in Rumailan town in Qamişlo canton as the representatives of various organizations and youth movements in north and east Syria attended.