YPG spokesman talks about buffer zone in dialogue forum

Nuri Mahmoud said that the buffer zone requires a third side represented by the United Nations (UN) to monitor the areas of north and east Syria away from Turkey that strives to occupy these areas under the cover of the buffer zone.

YPG spokesman talks about buffer zone in dialogue forum
YPG spokesman talks about buffer zone in dialogue forum
YPG spokesman talks about buffer zone in dialogue forum
30 January 2019   17:06


On Wednesday, the spokesman on behalf of the People Protection Units (YPG) Nuri Mahmoud and the academician and economist Çeleng Omer held a dialogue forum in Kobanî city under the slogan "The Syrian North's Future and the Syrian Solution's Ways", and it is the second of its kind after holding a similar seminar days ago in Manbij city, north of Syria by the members of the Syrian Democratic Council (MSD). 

Hundreds of members of the political parties in the canton in addition to the intellectuals in the Cultural Center and the people of Kobanî attended the forum.

Nuri Mahmoud said, "According to the buffer zone and its laws, there must be a third side represented by the UN as happened in Slovakia, Kosovo and al-Kuwait."

Mahmoud pointed out that whoever committed the massacres and violations in Afrin and the areas it entered and occupied in north Syria cannot protect the buffer zone in an indication to the Turkish government.

The seminar was an intellectual, independent and non-profit activity that aimed to develop the awareness of all sectors of the Syrian society, and to consolidate the human values among the members of the Syrian society by activating and developing the constructive dialogue at all levels and fields, in addition to activating the mechanism of dialogue, avoiding exclusivity and authoritarianism, consolidating the values of tolerance, accepting the other and rejecting extremism, radicalism and dogmatism. The main objective of the symposium is to search for an intellectual and civilized Syria far away from violence, war and hegemony.

In the same context, Mahmoud pointed out that through promoting Adana Agreement, Russia is trying to create a war among the members of NATO in northern Syria between Turkey and the International Coalition Forces, adding, "Adana Agreement held between the Syrian and the Turkish regimes before the Syrian crisis. That Convention did not take the opinion of the spectra of the Syrian people. It was fundamentally illegal and not recognized by the people so the current situation in Syria is very different from the years of the Agreement."

In his turn, Çeleng Omer touched upon the economic situations and what recourses the areas of north and east Syria have, and the form of the economic relation between the parties involved in the Syrian conflict and the Democratic Autonomous Administration (DAA).

In the end of the symposium that lasted for more than two hours, the discussions and requirements of the attendees began.