Al-Hasakah bid farewell 4 martyrs

Hundreds of residents of al-Hasakah city bid farewell on Thursday the corpses of four martyrs in the ranks of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and al-Dawoodiya forces.

Al-Hasakah bid farewell 4 martyrs
Al-Hasakah bid farewell 4 martyrs
Al-Hasakah bid farewell 4 martyrs
Al-Hasakah bid farewell 4 martyrs
Al-Hasakah bid farewell 4 martyrs
12 Decemberember 2018   02:05


Hundreds of al-Hasakah residents and the members of civil society institutions participated in the ceremony of Mohammed al-Ahmed, Hatem al-Azzam, and Bashar al-Jawher in the ranks of SDF and the fighter in the Self-Defense Forces Khalaf al-Mohammed who were martyred during the battle to defeat terrorism in Deir ez-Zor.

At the Martyr Dejwar Cemetery, the ceremony began with holding a minute of silence in conjunction with performing a military parade by the fighters of YPG, YPJ and the Self-Defense Forces.

This was followed by the speech of the administrative in the Martyrs’ Families Council Ayat Ibrahim that began with offering condolences to the families of martyrs as she wished them patience and solace.

Ayat said that the martyrs are great people because they were breastfed with their mother's milk the passion for the homeland and the need to protect and defend it.

A speech was delivered on behalf of al-Hasakah Canton Council by Sheikhemos Ahmed as he said that the martyrs lined the epics of bravery and redemption in order to defeat terrorism, and thanks to their sacrifices, we are approaching victory and about to eliminate terrorism in our areas.

The commander Tolvin Nidal pledged on behalf of the military forces to continue following the martyrs’ footsteps until victory would be achieved.

After that, the member of the Martyrs’ Families Council Rojda Ahmed read the documents of the four martyrs and handed over them to their families. Then, the martyrs’ corpses were buried in the Martyr Dejwar Shrine amid the mothers’ trills and the slogans that glorify the martyrs.