Idlib ... What about next deal!

The question now is, what will be the fate of the Idlib area, which is controlled by mercenary gangs whose names are different? This question is posed by everyone, if they think about the fate of this area.

Idlib ... What about next deal!
12 Decemberember 2018   04:27


 Of course, if we say that a deal is waiting for that area to clarify its future, we will not be often mistaken, because we have already seen several deals on the Syrian geography brought us to what we are now, where the Syrian regime controls the strongholds of the gangs that opposed it and other terrorist exploited the chaos In the country to be active.

It is worth mentioning what happened in Aleppo two years ago. The areas controlled by the mercenaries inside the city were besieged at this time until they left after a deal signed by their Turkish sponsor on  December-20- 2016.

However, this control paved the way for the Syrian regime to liquidate parts of the Syrian territory from its opponents and mercenaries, which were ruled by regional states, because what happened was a deal between the regime and the sponsors of these gangs. Turkey was the main player in the deal when it sold Aleppo for the occupation of Jrablos, Azaz and al-Bab.

Then the deals went on, finally, the regime was able to empty the capital Damascus and its environs early this year when it made a deal with the Turkish side, which occupied Afrin city and its villages. All these deals were sponsored in Astana under the supervision of Turkish-Russian-Iranian, as the areas were initially divided in the form of areas of reducing escalation, exploited by the regime to defeat IS of its regions, and then turned to one the other one.

Of course, this series of deals brought the talk to Idlib, because all the mercenaries were assembled in Idlib and the attention is automatically turned around, allows us to say that we are about to watch a new series of deal, whose sponsor will be Turkey, which has its own mercenary gangs and Russia, On the whole country and Russia, which invokes the legitimacy of the regime's return to control the entire country.

But what is the deal? This is the most important question ...

Syrian regime did not hide its desire to restore Idlib, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said three days ago that "Idlib will return to the Syrian state," pointing out that the agreement of the demilitarized zone "an interim measure." These recent statements by other Syrian officials also reveal that the Syrian regime and Russia are seeking to regain control of Idlib.

We will not talk much about the benefit that will bring Idlib's control of the regime, the Russians and the Iranians. But will focus on the steps that will be taken to control them.

Russia has repeatedly declared its desire to remove the "terrorists" from Idlib, and Turkey is trying to separate them from those who claim to be "moderate opposition." After the dismissal, what will be the fate of the "terrorists"?

It is striking that the Idlib issue came to the fore after days of discussions between the regime and MSD, the political representative of Syria's Democratic Forces(SDF).

Even when Turkey signed the Aleppo deal, it was opposed to the attempt to link the cantons of Kobanî and al-Jazeera with Afrin, as alleged by the Turks, and the deal of Ghouta and the countryside of Damascus was in exchange for Afrin, all deals by Turkey to serve its war against the Kurds, so it will not be excluded that the deal Idlib also In that context.

The indicators indicate that Turkey abandoned Idlib in favor of the regime, in exchange for the latter to stop its talks, and because the stop itself will not succeed. They are planning a trick by which they seek to force SDF to offer greater concessions. .

The events of Qamishlo, an attempt of this kind, as some parties, Turkey, one of them, this confusion to create a rift between the regime and MSD, and when the MSD is the blame will find itself forced to make concessions, according to their estimates, and a clash occurred at the gate of one of the crossings in between the system and the Manbij Military Council al-Taiha village was a similar attempt.

Now the talks are rigid. But there are still terrorist gangs present in Idlib, Erdogan accused on an occasion a few months ago that the elements were moved from al-Raqqa to the Egyptian Sinai, which is currently tense, but analysts saw Erdogan's statement to cover his contributions to support terrorism in Egypt and Libya, and some said that Erdogan who transports terrorists want to disguise.

Russia has warned Iraq that there are attempts to transfer terrorists to its territory, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister said yesterday, is there a plan to transfer terrorists to Iraq? Or Afghanistan, as the media reported two weeks ago.

Or the current plan is to move them to neighboring areas such as Afrin, al-Bab, Azzaz and Jrablos perhaps for use against SDF.

 This transport plan is unavoidable, because the terrorists born by Turkey must be removed or liquidated, Turkey is the supervisor, and of course it serves Russia and the Syrian regime, and the opposite is to limit the influence of the Kurds. If necessary, this is the next deal.

Turkey does not want to lose its relations with the regime and its allies because it sees it as the way to a seat in the negotiations on the future of Syria, so we expect to strive to do what pleases the Russian side, the Turkish side put all its weight in an attempt to convince the militants to come out and apply what Turkey agrees with Russia. Those who reject the attempts of Turkish terrorists are liquidated, and things are going to crystallize the future of Idlib and to the satisfaction of the Russian and Syrian side and Turkey offers all concessions in order to fight the Kurdish will in the north of Syria.

In all cases, Turkey has revealed itself publicly and finally openly, now the regime of President Recap Tayyip Erdogan openly deals with the terrorists of Jabhat al-Nasra and al-Qaeda, and their fate depends on the decision of Turkey.

All these things can cast a shadow over the relationship between Turkey and the US, since the Turkish policies in Syria have always been opposed to the American vision, which has contributed to their deterioration recently, it is expected to see a continuation of the crisis of Turkish-American relations as well.