PYD 1st conference ended with statement

The conclusive statement of the Women Organization Conference in PYD stated that the conference ended with several decisions and forming a council consisted of 28 members.

PYD 1st conference ended with statement
22 July 2018   17:37


The Women Organization in PYD held its first conference on Sunday in Aram Tikran Center for Culture and Art in Rumailan town in Qamislo in al-Jazeera region north of Syria.

The conference ended with a final statement that was read by the member of PYD Walida Hassen.

The statement included,

"The Women Organization in PYD held its first conference on July 22, 2018 in Rumailan town in al-Jazeera region under the slogan, "The Free Women Are the Guarantee of a Politic and Moral Society" with the participation of 266 party members from all the areas where the party's organization is located whether inside out abroad. The representatives of the Democratic Autonomous Administration in the areas of North Syria, representatives of the political parties and dozens of the cantons' institutions and councils attended the conference.

The activities of the conference started with holding a minute of silence in tribute to the martyrs' souls. After the opening speech that was delivered by the joint presidency of the party ended, the congratulating speeches and telegrams that praised the role which our party has played since the beginning of the revolution till now and the pioneer role of women in the party came successively.

After the congratulating telegrams were read, the organizational activities of the conference started as the works included the instructions related to the democratic politics and the women's role in it, valuating the report of Women Organizations' activities, discussing the draft of the mechanism of the Women Council's work and the modifications made in addition to adopting the proposed amendments for that. Moreover, the conference ended with a set of political and organizational decisions.

Finally, the participants elected 28 members for the Women Council of the party, and the elected members promised to follow the democratic nation's philosophy and approach, and to work on consolidating the principle of women's freedom in addition to following the martyrs' footsteps till their goals would be achieved.

In conclusion, the Women Council swore the oath to start their tasks within the ranks of the party. It is worth mentioning that the conference lasted for only one day."