Conference continues discussing women's organization works

The works of the first constituent conference of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) for organizing women continue with reading the mechanisms of the work and organization of women in PYD, and discussing them.

Conference continues discussing women's organization works
22 July 2018   17:10


Under the slogan, "The Free Women Are the Guarantee of a Politic and Moral Society," the first constituent conference to organize women of PYD was held on Sunday in Aram Tikran Center for Culture and Art in Rumailan town.

Hundreds of women from Rojava's three cantons, delegations from the Syrian north in addition to the members of the party in Europe attended the conference. Because Kurdistan Democratic Party's authorities prevention, the party's members in Başûr were no able to participate in the conference. 

After standing a minute of silence, many speeches were delivered among them the speech of the co-chair of PYD Aisha Hesso, the speech of the Martyrs' Families Council, the speech of Kongra Star, the speech of Women Coordination in the Democratic Autonomous Administration, the speech of Syrian Women Council, the speech of the co-chair of the Democratic Syrian Council, the speech of the Syriac Feminine Union, the speech of the civil councils in al-Raqqa, al-Tabqa and Deir ez-Zor.

After the speeches completed, the telegrams were read. Then, the instructions of the Kurdish people leader Abdullah Ocalan about the democratic politics and the role of women were read.

The conference continues its works closing to media outlets with reading the mechanism of the woke of organizing the women in PYD, and discussing them by the attendees. According to sources from inside the conference, the mechanism of organizing Women Council includes the councils' purposes, tasks, organizational structure, the committees related to the council and a number of the general provisions.