Al-Raqqa Reconstruction committees continue removing rubble

In its second stage, al-Raqqa Reconstruction committees, in coordination with the organizations and the Early Intervention team, are continuing to remove rubble from al-Raqqa's streets.

Al-Raqqa Reconstruction committees continue removing rubble
19 April 2018   14:29


Within clearing rubble and earth mounds process, al-Raqqa's Reconstruction committees, in cooperation with the Early Intervention Team, are continuing to remove rubble from the city.

The aim of the work is to open roads and closed streets for the citizens and to help people to return to their homes.

In this context, Ahmed Hamada, a member of the Reconstruction Committee said,
"The work plan within al-Raqqa's neighborhoods to remove the rubble and open the roads is ongoing. Our goal is to restore life to all the city's neighborhoods as soon as possible."

In his turn, the engineer in the Early Intervention team Ayham Haj Ali pointed out that the team is working to remove the rubble from the main roads in al- Raqqa city, and now, the rubble is being removed in the second stage as the parts of the walls of the buildings that are about to fall are being removed in order to preserve the citizens' lives.