Iraqi warplanes stroke IS' sites in Syria

Iraqi warplanes bombed sites in Syria on the Iraqi-Syrian border in coordination with the Syrian regime.

Iraqi warplanes stroke IS' sites in Syria
19 April 2018   12:34


The Iraqi air forces have carried out strikes against sites considered to belong to IS in Syria near the Iraqi-Syrian borders.

The Iraqi Prime Minister Haid al-Abadi's office issued a statement which said, "On the orders of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces Haidar al-Abadi, our heroic air forces carried out on Thursday deadly air strikes against IS gangs' sites in Syria from the side of the Iraqi border."

Haidar al-Abadi stressed in the statement that the implementation of the strikes against IS in the Syrian lands is because IS' danger on the Iraqi lands.

While the Iraqi military spokesman announced that the Iraqi air strikes on sites inside Syria were carried out in coordination with the Syrian regime.