80 psychological, neurological cases of Afrin people caused by shelling

About 80 case of neurological and medical points in al-Shahba canton’s villages have showed psychology diseases and camps, Dr. Mohammed Issa confirmed that the multiplicity of mental and neurological diseases is the result of explosions and shelling.

80 psychological, neurological cases of Afrin people caused by shelling
80 psychological, neurological cases of Afrin people caused by shelling
80 psychological, neurological cases of Afrin people caused by shelling
19 April 2018   09:46


As a result of the targeting of the mercenaries of the Turkish occupation of Avrin Hospital medical staff were unable to save the medical equipment in the hospital as well as medicines, and now medical staffs are still working in the treatment of patients through the newly opened medical points in al-Shahba canton's villages and camps.

A number of Afrin residents suffer from intractable diseases, such as neurological, psychiatric, hyperthyroidism, convulsions and memory impairment.

The medical staff reported that psychological and neurological crises have been exacerbated in recent times by psychological and psychological exhaustion and psychological trauma as a result of the sounds of bombing, attacks and explosions that were exposed at the time of the Turkish aggression on the canton , which led to the poor condition of the former patients and the injury of a large proportion of them after the displacement.

According to the statistics, which were diagnosed by the Kurdish Red Crescent that there are 80 cases of patients need necessary analysis and medication in addition to radiographs, and that patients are of all age groups, but not available in al-Shahba for diagnosis and treatment.

Hawar news agency (ANHA) monitored some cases of patients in Berxwedan camp  located in Fafin district belonging to al-Shahba canton, the patient Dilishan Mohammed from  Shitko village belonging to Mobata district said “I suffer from a psychological crisis and as a result of my bad condition I have a severe thyroid condition, and now I need medical tests."

Mohammed Ahmed Hassan year 16 old, from Kamrouk village, suffers from weakness in the nerves of the left hand and poor memory due to psychological trauma following the bombing. "I need physical therapy and a central and axial tomography of the brain and my condition will get worse if I do not treat myself".

Evelyn Horo, a 5-year-old girl from Afrin canton, is ill with convulsions and is in a difficult situation because of her family's inability to provide medication. According to the diagnosis "her health will worsen in the coming days”, Dr. Muhamad Issa said.

Child Mohammed Rizan Rashid suffers from cerebral hemorrhage disease and to monitor his health needs to have a head and cannot be provided any treatment for him as other cases of lack of equipment required for his condition.

The young woman Habiba Ali Alo, 13 years old from Dekha village the effects of the war on her psychology and actions are abnormal," Habiba does not sleep at night and feels that everyone around her hates her and that the atmosphere in which she lives can lead to her being in a state of war can lead to schizophrenia."

In this context, Dr. Mohamed Issa noted that the multiplicity of mental and neurological diseases is due to two main reasons, the first psychological trauma suffered by Afrin people under the attacks of Turkish aggression because of the sounds of explosions and warplanes.

Dr. Mohammed Issa, adding that al-Shahba canton suffers from severe shortage of medicine said that." The second reason for the deteriorating conditions of patients is the failure of international organizations and humanitarian associations to provide to al-Shahba canton with medicines that are difficult to secure."

It should be noted that due to the lack of medicines and medical devices, two children and one citizen of Afrin canton lost their lives in al- Shahba canton.
