Meeting for Arab Foreign Ministers’ Council to discuss Arab Summit's agenda

The Arab foreign ministers held a meeting in the Saudi capital al-Riyadh on Thursday to prepare the draft agenda and draft resolutions that are specialized to the items proposed in front of the Arab commanders during the summit meeting that would be held next Sunday in al-Riyadh.

Meeting for Arab Foreign Ministers’ Council to discuss Arab Summit's agenda
12 April 2018   19:25


The Assistant General Secretary of the Arab League the ambassador Hussam Zaki said in a statement in al-Riyadh on the sidelines of the preparatory meetings that the Arab foreign ministers will discuss the political issues that are proposed to the agenda of the Arab Summit, especially the Palestinian Cause and major crises in Syria, Libya, Yemen and others in addition to the agenda’s items, especially with regard to solidarity with Lebanon, support for peace and development in Sudan, as well as the rest of the items of the Arab Summit’s agendas.

The meeting will discuss a number of important issues in the light of the developments and challenges that the Arab area is witnessing. The most prominent of these developments are the developments in the Palestinian arena, escalating the violence against the civilians over the past few days, the serious escalation of the situation in Syria, and the crises in Libya and Yemen, Iraq.

As well as topics related to combat terrorism’s efforts and Arab National Security, and discussing the ways of strengthening solidarity and Arab standing together in addition to strengthening the frameworks of Arab joint work confronting of external interferences in the Arab affairs.

The Arab foreign ministers will also listen to a briefing by UN Special Envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura about the latest UN efforts to resolve the crisis in Syria, as well as the latest political and humanitarian developments.