Women in Serê Kanîyê demonstrated to support Afrin's people resistance

Kongra Star in Serê Kanîyê district organized a demonstration with the participation of people of Zarkan town and its villages to support Afrin's people resistance.

Women in Serê Kanîyê demonstrated to support Afrin's people resistance
12 April 2018   17:08


Under the slogan "Women revolt for Afrin", Kongra Star in Serê Kanîyê district organized a demonstration with the participation of people of Zarkan town and its villages to support Afrin's people resistance.

The demonstration took place in front of the Center of Culture and Art in Serê Kanîyê and toured the streets of the district and headed towards al-Shohda Square in the district.

When the demonstration reached al-Shohda Square, the participants hold a minute of silence. Then the co-chair of the North Syrian Federation Hadia Yousif  delivered a speech in which she said "We have demonstrated the resistance and steadfastness of our YPG and YPJ forces in the face of aggression and attacks by the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries." She noted that the women of Afrin joined the resistance in full force to defend Afrin and repel the occupiers, and protect the federal system, which guarantees the rights of all peoples of the region and women in particular.

In her speech, she said , "women in Rojava and northern Syria, during the age of revolution, played their fundamental role in protecting, serving, organizing and developing the society."

The demonstration ended with slogans that salute Afrin's resistance.