Afrin people: we reject any council established by Turkey to govern Afrin

Afrin canton's people living in al-Shahba canton confirmed that they are not at all satisfied with the formation so-called "Afrin Local Council" and said that "the people representing this council were in hotels in Istanbul and now want to govern Afrin in conjunction with the Turkish occupation."

Afrin people: we reject any council established by Turkey to govern Afrin
9 April 2018   03:40


Afrin people who were forced to leave their homes due to of the shelling of the Turkish occupation army and committing massacres against civilians, said: "They will not accept that Afrin be run by a council that knows nothing but money and positions and does not feel suffering of the people."

Citizen Rustam Rashied from the people of Shia district said "The main problem is does this council know the suffering of our people? Where did they get their training?" "With the outbreak of the Syrian revolution, all the founding members of this council fled to the Turkish state in hotels in Istanbul? All this proves that the Turkish state and the Kurdish National Council agree on the occupation of Afrin? ".

Rashied continued "This council knows only money and positions, they do not feel the suffering of the people and they are the intelligence of the Turkish state where were we when we founded Democratic Autonomous Administration in Rojava? They were in hotels fleeing the responsibility of our people and defending their honor and dignity."

Tawfiq Abdo, from Bulbul district, said: "This council, which was founded in Gaziantep by the fascist government of Erdoğan, would change Afrin's demography, but Afrin canton 's people know very well that this occupation is over Afrin to complete their bloody Ottoman history."

For his part, Akram Bakir pointed out that the council, which was founded by the Turkish occupation and who committed massacres against us, never accepted it and we reject any councils founded by the descendants of the Ottomans.
