Zenarin Qamishlo: We rely on ourselves, our people must trust their forces

The leadership of the Women Protection Units, Zenarin Qamishlo, confirmed that they do not rely on external parties for their protection of the lands of Rojava and North Syria, calling on the people of North Syria to trust their forces and to circumvent and support them.

Zenarin Qamishlo: We rely on ourselves, our people must trust their forces
9 April 2018   03:50


This came in an interview conducted by ANHA correspondent with the leadership of Zenarin Qamishlo, where they confirmed that they are confident in the capabilities of their fighters and do not fear the threats of any party.

Zenarin said at the beginning of her speech that Turkish occupation army is trying to intimidate the people through special means of war, and continued "our people should not be dragged behind the propaganda of the special war exercised by Turkish occupation army."

During her conversation, Zenarin noted that they do not fear the threats of Turkish occupation army, and added, “we as People and Women Protection Units and Syrian Democratic Forces rely on ourselves and on our peoples' support, Turkish occupation is trying to enslave the people and we will not allow it, our goal is for all peoples to get their rights."

"We have expanded from all sides and we have a very popular incubator, there are thousands of girls in Middle East who have joined our forces, this is what infuriates Turkish state, as much as we can define the reality of our enemies and the reality of imperialism, we can break the enemy.”

Zenarin stressed that they are not interested in the withdrawal of any external military force from Rojava and North Syria, confirming that from the outset, they have relied on themselves and they derive their strength from their people not from external forces.

At the end of her speech, the leader Zenarin Qmishlio called all young men in North Syria to rely and trust Syrian Democratic Forces as the way to escape the tyrannical forces, calling on the people to get around their forces and support them to stand up to all threats to the area and repel the occupiers.
