Avrin Hospital continues work in al-Shahba, demands medical support urgently

The medical staff of Avrin Hospital continues its humanitarian work in al-Shahba canton helping the displaced patients in spite of exposing all the medical devices and equipment of the hospital to destruction in the result of the Turkish warplane's bombardment against it. Moreover, the medical staff called for the humanitarian organizations to provide them with medical support, equipment and medicine.

Avrin Hospital continues work in al-Shahba, demands medical support urgently
Avrin Hospital continues work in al-Shahba, demands medical support urgently
23 March 2018   07:47


AFRIN- After Avrin Hospital was bombarded by the warplane of the Turkish occupation army, and the wounded who were receiving medical treatment inside it were martyred, in addition to destroying the building of the hospital and displacing the people towards al-Shahba canton, the medical staff of Avrin Hospital went with the displaced people to continue its humanitarian work within what the civilians are suffering from, and aggravating the situation of the patients, especially the old people and the children.

Avrin Hospital continues its humanitarian work

Al-Shahba Canton Council's administration has provided the medical staff of Avrin with a small place to stabilize in with some simple medical tools to help the displaced patients in al-Shahba canton.

The medical staff is working at a small room in Ahras district where two beds and a simple device are existed as the center lacks medicine and medical equipment.

As the mercenaries of the Turkish occupation army targeted Avrin Hospital, the medical staff was not able to rescue the medical devices and equipment in the hospital so that it continues its work with very little possibilities.

The doctor Azad Sabry who is one of the workers at Avrin Hospital said to Hawar news agency, "The medical staff of Avrin Hospital resisted beside the people in Afrin city, and provided all the available possibilities to rescue the wounded; however, targeting the hospital directly by the mercenaries and martyring the wounded obliged the medical staff to exit and head towards al-Shahba canton to continue providing the patients with the medical treatment there.

Sabry pointed out that the number of the patients is increasing a day by day as dozens of patients among them children and old people are flocking daily towards the medical point in Ahras district, and they are suffering from various diseases in the result of staying in the wilderness, vehicles and being exposed to the extreme cold.

The doctor Azad Sabry called for the medical organizations to provide the medical support; medical devices, equipment and medicine as the situation of some patients may worsen. Moreover, there is a fear of spreading infectious diseases among the people.

In addition to the medical point of Avrin Hospital, two dispensaries are existed in al-Shahba canton, one of them is at Kafar Naya district and the other is in Fafin district.