Aisha Affinde : Afrin 's people our people we will not give up them ,we will seek their support financially , morally

The co-chair of the Council to Democratic Society Movement in Kobani canton Aisha Affendi sent message to Afrin 's people with their historic resistance, have proven to the world that the will of the Kurdish people can not be broken and that they are defending their land till the last breath ".

Aisha Affinde : Afrin 's people our people we will not give up them ,we will seek their support financially , morally
Aisha Affinde : Afrin 's people our people we will not give up them ,we will seek their support financially , morally
Aisha Affinde : Afrin 's people our people we will not give up them ,we will seek their support financially , morally
23 March 2018   08:45


 KOBANI- The co-chair of the Council to Democratic Society Movement in Kobani canton Aisha Affendi said during an interview byHawar news agency (ANHA) while she was in the tent erected since 18 March Akied square in Kobani city to support Afrin 's people and to collect assistance for displaced people in al-Shabba canton  who have been forced to leave their homes  by attacks of the Turkish occupation army on Afrin.

Aisha Effendi pointed out that they do not consider Afrin people displaced, but they are the owners of this country, noting that there is no difference between of People kobani and Afrin because the children of Afrin were martyred  in defense of Kobani and the sons of Kobani martyred in defense of Afrin, and today the people of Kobani are doing their duty to help their brothers from the people Afrin materially and morally.

Aisha pointed out that all kobani 's people and through Communies launched a large campaign to collect aid, whether money, medicines, blankets, sponges, clothes and shoes, foodstuffs, kitchen supplies, milk and children's supplies and others for their brothers from Afrin 's people , noting that all this assistance is Collected under the tent and placed in warehouses until they are sent to the people of Afrin displaced from their homes.

At the end of her speech, Aisha Effendi sent a message to the people of Afrin and to the world. "We tell the people of Afrin that we will never abandon you and tell the whole world that the Kurdish people in "Resistance of the Age " have proven their existence and that they are a people whose will can not be broken and they will struggle till the last breath ".
