Modernity and Democracy Party of Syria highlights struggle of leader Abdullah Ocalan

It shed light on what Leader Abdullah Ocalan devoted his life to, the extent of the impact of his ideas on societies, what he is currently facing from the authorities in Turkey, and how to achieve his physical freedom.

Modernity and Democracy Party of Syria highlights struggle of leader Abdullah Ocalan
20 July 2024   17:06

On Saturday, the Modernity and Democracy Party of Syria organized a dialogue symposium entitled Ocalan: Freedom when it is an existential question, which was attended by members of the Syrian Initiative for the Freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan, political parties, members of civil councils, and representatives of civil society institutions, at the hall of the Culture Center at art in the city of Manbij.

The symposium began with a minute of silence, then the spokesman for the Syrian Initiative for the Freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan, Fouad Jolie, welcomed the attendees and appreciated the efforts made by the Modernity and Democracy Party for Syria, within the framework of the global campaign for the freedom of leader Abdullah Ocalan.

The head of the Joint Representation of the Modernity and Democracy Party in Syria, Ibrahim al-Thalaj, delivered a speech in which he said: Leader Abdullah Ocalan had no cause other than the cause of freedom. He never paid attention to what the ordinary person who cares about his needs and interests would pay attention to. The leader decided from the beginning to defend the cause of his people and the oppressed peoples.

As for the head of the joint representation of the Modernity and Democracy Party in Syria, Haifa Mahmoud, she confirmed that Democratic Autonomous Administration (DAA) based on Ocalan's thought is spreading in our country, Syria, and is working cumulatively and gradually to find all the guarantees that prevent the return of tyranny and combat it, consolidate pluralism and recognition of the other, empower women, and combat all forms of discrimination against them. It establishes a new logic in society's relationship with nature, the environment and life.

Haifa stressed in conclusion, Ocalan's name has become synonymous with the challenge of tyranny, synonymous with the living resistance that does not know any let-up in going beyond the prison walls and resisting the known laws of absence with a new and realistic understanding with a will that does not know how to be broken.

The head of the Modernity and Democracy Party of Syria, Firas Qassas, said during his intervention via Skype: The Turkish state is fighting the (DAA), because it is based on the thought of the thinker and philosopher Abdullah Ocalan, who establishes a free society that guarantees human dignity, and through the strict isolation imposed on the leader, it seeks to keep the people under the weight of its tyranny and injustice, so the people must struggle with everything they can to escape from tyranny and achieve the leader's physical freedom.

T/ Satt.