World countries turn blind eye towards IS File

Internal Security Forces and Syrian Democratic Forces SDF, despite having had a vital role in combating IS/ Daesh, but their movements faced many challenges by the negligence of international forces, according to what was confirmed by Department of Foreign Relations in the Democratic Autonomous Administration DAA.

World countries turn blind eye towards IS File
9 February 2024   03:31

Since March 2019, with announcing of eliminating ISIS geographically, there has been diplomatic efforts of DAA, but world states did not lift a finger towards ISIS file and their danger.

A member of the administrative body in the Department of Foreign Relations in the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, Khaled Ibrahim, described the suspension of the file without a solution as a “dilemma,” in his response to ANHA agency’s questions about the latest developments in countries getting closer to the issue of evacuating their nationals from camps designated for detaining ISIS families

He said about this, that it is not “a radical solution to the dilemma, and is no more than partial, and is limited to some cases only, comparing the statistics of last year and the current year, with the large numbers detained in camps, the largest of which is al-Hol Camp, which includes approximately 8,000 families of ISIS mercenaries, of 50 foreign nationalities, according to camp administration statistics.

Since the beginning of 2024, no evacuations of ISIS families have taken place

Evacuation operations were limited to a number of countries during 2023, during which only 450 children and 120 women were evacuated, while no evacuations have taken place since the beginning of this year, according to the records of the External Relations Department of the Democratic Autonomous Administration, which is responsible for handover operations.

Khaled Ibrahim noted that DAA did not take any new position on the countries whose citizens joined the ranks of IS/Daesh mercenaries to end the file as a whole, and said of its positions, "The unclear international position continues and there has been no significant change in it."

The international position has not changed

Ibrahim stressed that the concerned international parties are not fulfilling their humanitarian and human rights responsibilities, and pointed to the repercussions of their evasion on the future of North and East Syria, saying: “This imposes a great security, political, social, economic, legal and legal burden on the Autonomous Administration and the region.”

Member of the Administrative Body in the Department of Foreign Relations, Khaled Ibrahim, considered the task of ending the danger of IS/ Daesh, and resolving the issue of mercenary families, and what he described as a dilemma, the responsibility of everyone, especially the countries whose citizens joined the ranks of ISIS and arrived in Syria, and not limited to the Democratic Autonomous Administration and its military forces and security.

In contrast, and within the framework of continuing efforts to combat ISIS and its ideas, the Internal Security Forces of North and East Syria implemented the third phase of the “Humanitarian and Security” operation, which lasted 10 continuous days and began on January 27, 2023.

The Internal Security Forces of North and East Syria confirmed, during their final statement of their operation in al-Hol Camp, that they blocked the way for the plans of ISIS mercenaries to organize themselves forcefully and control the camp and its surroundings. The participating forces were able to kill cell leaders inside and outside the camp, and arrest the spreader of takfiri thought and the source of fatwas. Killing, 85 mercenaries and collaborators.

T/ Satt.