HAT captures member of cells affiliated with Damascus forces

The Special Forces of the Internal Security Forces arrested a mercenary from cells supported by Damascus government forces in the Deir ez-Zor countryside.

HAT captures member of cells affiliated with Damascus forces
8 February 2024   21:53

The Media Center for the Internal Security Forces in North and East Syria published news on its official website, in which it indicated the arrest of a member of cells affiliated with the Damascus government forces, and a shoulder-mounted missile and military uniforms were seized in his possession.

The published news stated:

Within the framework of the work of our security forces in the General Security Service to pursue those who seek to destabilize the security and stability of our regions and spread chaos there, and as a result of intensive intelligence efforts and careful investigations by the General Security Service and follow-up of the movements of a member of the cells of terrorist groups affiliated with and supported by the Syrian regime, our special forces, H.A.T., carried out A successful qualitative operation in which he was able to arrest him and was found in possession of:

– 1 shoulder-fired missile

– 8 military uniforms
