Promise made by Barzani to Turkish state

32 years ago, Masoud Barzani visited Ankara and met with the Turkish President at the time, Turgut Ozal, and promised him to fight the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, and told him, “I am ready to implement all your orders.” The Turkish media announced at the time that Masoud Barzani kissed Ozal’s hands after the latter granted him a diplomatic passport.

Promise made by Barzani to Turkish state
9 February 2024   05:42

The head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Masoud Barzani, and other party officials met with the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defense, the Chief of Staff, and Turkish Intelligence. The talks that took place on the anniversary of the international conspiracy against leader Abdullah Ocalan on February 15, 1999 brought to the fore the promises made by Masoud Barzani to the Turkish state in 1992.

On February 21, 1992, Masoud Barzani visited Ankara, along with other officials from the Kurdistan Democratic Party (Fazil Mirani, Hoshyar Zebari, and Hussein Dizi), and they met at that time with Turkish President Turgut Ozal, Prime Minister Suleiman Demiral, and Foreign Minister Hikmet Cetin.

What did they discuss?

In addition to the official statements reported by the media, news emerged in the Turkish media stating that Masoud Barzani promised during the 1992 meeting with Turkish officials to support the Turkish attacks.

The news published by the Turkish newspaper Sozcü “Al-Natiq” under the title “They were previously at our doors, but now they have had enough,” shed light on Masoud Barzani’s promises.

In the news, which was based on the speech of foreign policy advisor Kaya Topri, who brought Masoud Barzani to meet Ozal and also attended the meeting, important information was shared.

According to the report, Barzani told Ozal, “I am ready to implement all your orders.” Tobri said in this regard, “Barzani promised to fight the PKK. During his visit at that stage, Barzani brought with him maps of the PKK’s locations in northern Iraq and presented them to us. He even told us that he wanted to connect northern Iraq with Turkey.”

Kaya Topri said in the same news that, in July 1992, Turkey issued diplomatic passports for Barzani Talabani, and added that Barzani kissed Ozal's hands after receiving his passport.

What did Barzani say in his book?

Barzani, in his book entitled “Barzani and the Kurdish Liberation Movement,” talks about the same topic, and says, “During our meeting, Ozal drew attention to an important point, which is, “When you visit the United States of America, inquire about their opinions and ideas about the federal system.” Is it possible to conclude an agreement with Turkey? Is it possible to link Iraqi Kurdistan with Turkey?
