Unknown gunmen kill person in Daraa countryside

A person was killed by unknown gunmen in the city of Tafas, west of Daraa. Amid continuing security chaos.

Unknown gunmen kill person in Daraa countryside
7 June 2024   15:17

Unidentified gunmen targeted with direct bullets a person in the city of Tafas, west of Daraa, while the gunmen fled to an unknown destination.

The Observatory stated that it was the second crime in Daraa in less than two hours.

The total number of attacks in Daraa, according to the documentation of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, has reached 142 intentional killings since the beginning of the year 2024, some of which resulted from domestic violence, or motives of theft, and others whose causes and motives are still unknown. The victims of these crimes were 154 people; 7 children, 24 women, and 123 men and young men.
