2 Citizens kidnapped in occupied Afrin

The "Syrian National Army" mercenaries kidnapped two citizens in occupied Afrin while Turkey forcibly deported them to its- controlled areas in Syria.

2 Citizens kidnapped in occupied Afrin
7 June 2024   14:09

Local sources from the region reported that the mercenaries of the Syrian National Army kidnapped the two citizens today. Dalil Hassan Hajji (34 years old), from the village of Baflor in the city of Janders, and Jamal Hayyan (35 years old), from the city of Homs at an armed checkpoint near the village of Qastal Jindo in Shara, and took them to an unknown destination.

The sources explained that they were kidnapped while on their way to the city of Afrin, after they were deported from Turkey through the Bab al-Salama crossing, north of the city of Azaz.

On Tuesday, 6/4/2024, the authorities of the Turkish occupation state forcibly deported 22 Syrian refugees through the Bab al-Salama crossing in the occupied city of Azaz, in a new batch of refugees despite having official residence permits, including the two kidnapped ones.

The crimes of the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries against the people of Afrin continue since their occupation in March 2018, including kidnapping, killing, rape, and looting of property.
