11 Turkish occupation army soldiers killed in Avaşin and Metîna

The People's Defense Forces announced the killing of 11 Turkish occupation army soldiers, during a series of operations carried out by their forces in Avaşin and Metîna.

11 Turkish occupation army soldiers killed in Avaşin and Metîna
7 June 2024   17:38

The Media Center of the People's Defense Forces (HPG) issued a statement about the Gêrîla operations and the attacks of the Turkish occupation army.

The statement reads:

In the Avaşin area;

On June 1, at 10:50, a specific operation was carried out against a “Rio” military vehicle loaded with an electric generator in Resistance Square, killing 5 occupiers and wounding 2 others who were inside the vehicle, and destroying the military vehicle, the electric generator and the military equipment inside it.

In the Heftanin area;

On June 6, at 12:45, the occupiers were targeted in Martyr Kendal Resistance Square with heavy weapons.

In the Metîna area;

On June 6, at 19:40, a Gêrîla operation was carried out against the occupiers in the Resistance Square in Metîna. The first section of the operation targeted the occupiers with medium weapons, while the second section targeted the occupiers from close range with individual weapons. The operation resulted in the killing of 6 soldiers and the destruction of 2 tents of the occupation army.

In the Martyr Dalil area, west of Zap:

On June 6, at 09:27, our forces in the Free Women's Units - Star targeted the occupiers in the resistance square in Judy Hill with heavy weapons.

On June 6, at 11:40, the occupiers in the Resistance Square in Judy Hill were targeted with heavy weapons.

On June 6, at 18:03, our forces in the Free Women’s Units - Star targeted, with heavy weapons, a vehicle loaded with a radar system and an air defense system belonging to the Turkish occupation army, and the operation resulted in significant damage to the vehicle and the systems carried on it.

Turkish occupation army attacks with banned explosives;

On June 6, our tunnels in the Resistance Square on FM Hill in the Martyr Dalil area, west of Zap, were bombed 7 times with toxic chemical gases.

Turkish occupation army attacks;

On June 6 and 7, the squares of Berdîqaşo Martyr Cihan, Zirkel Hill, and Kurtk in the Qandil region were attacked 25 times, the Koz Square in the Gari region once, the resistance squares in Baz and Sri Metîna in the Metîna region 4 times, and the resistance squares in Judy Hill and Bahar Hill in the Martyr Dalil region, west of Zap, 3 times, a total of 33 times, to bombing by warplanes.”
