Turkey gangs cut down more than 81 olive trees in occupied Afrin

The Turkish occupation mercenaries cut down more than 81 olive trees in the districts of Sharan and Janderes in the occupied countryside of Afrin.

Turkey gangs cut down more than 81 olive trees in occupied Afrin
Turkey gangs cut down more than 81 olive trees in occupied Afrin
7 February 2024   16:58

The random cutting of fruit and forest trees by the "Syrian National Army" mercenaries of the Turkish occupation continues.

According to the Afrin-Syria Human Rights Organization, mercenaries cut down 35 olive trees on the side road between Kawkaba and Telf in the Janderes district, despite the presence of its owner, citizen Abdul Hamid Al-Salem from the Arab component of Afrin, in his home in the city of Afrin.

In the Sharan district, the mercenaries cut down more than 46 olive trees separately from several orchards located between the town of Sharan and the village of Matina, of which seven trees were known from the Ismat Khalil orchard, four trees from the Abdeen Omar orchard, nine trees from the Subhi Othman orchard, and 12 trees from the orchard. Hanan Rahman, nine trees from Imad Rahman’s orchard, and five trees from Muhammad Othman Juman’s orchard.

T/ Satt