Plumes of smoke rising from 2 villages due to Turkish shelling

In the early morning hours, two villages in the Amediya district of Dohuk city in Southern Kurdistan were subjected to heavy shelling by the Turkish occupation army.

Plumes of smoke rising from 2 villages due to Turkish shelling
17 July 2024   10:41

The Turkish occupation army bombed the villages of Balafa and Kohrz in the Amediya district of the city of Dohuk in Southern Kurdistan, and plumes of smoke and fire rose, amid attempts by the people to search for a safe place away from the bombing areas.

According to preliminary information received by Roj News, there have been no casualties so far, due to the evacuation of most villages and the people went to safe places, but the shelling caused significant material damage, as many houses and farms were damaged, in addition to the destruction of some vital facilities in the targeted villages.

On Tuesday, the Turkish occupation army shelled intensively the Bradost Mountains, and the shelling, which lasted until late at night, affected the villages of the Bradost Mountains.

Since the beginning of July, the Turkish occupation army has launched violent attacks on Southern Kurdistan, occupying large parts of the city of Dohuk.
