TEV-DEM calls for intensified struggle on July 19 Revolution anniversary

The Movement for a Democratic Society (TEV-DEM) called for an intensification of struggle, resistance, and organization based on the revolutionary people's war to protect the achievements of the July 19 Revolution and to achieve the physical freedom of leader Abdullah Ocalan.

TEV-DEM calls for intensified struggle on July 19 Revolution anniversary
17 July 2024   11:06

TEV-DEM issued a written statement on the occasion of the approaching anniversary of the July 19 Revolution in the NE Syria region, which stated:

"On the occasion of the twelfth anniversary of the July 19 Revolution, we extend our warmest congratulations to leader Abdullah Ocalan, to our Kurdish people, and to all the components in NE Syria, as well as to the families of the martyrs and wounded, to all the fighters, and to the protection forces and units.

The contemporary July 19 Revolution, which started in the city of Kobani in 2012, has achieved accomplishments and victories and revived the hopes of our people and the people of the region.

The secret of the success of the July 19 Revolution lies in its adoption of the correct third path strategy, which is far from the concept of state and power, and its commitment to contemporary revolutionary social principles and standards, unlike previous classical revolutions. The July 19 Revolution took the brotherhood of peoples and coexistence as the basis for building a true democratic societal liberation revolution through the cohesion of all cultures and beliefs.

The July 19 Revolution created a unique and important experience in the region and the world, building significant and influential qualitative transformations in social, cultural, political, and protection spheres.

This contributed to the launch of the first democratic transformation and the emergence of the pioneering role of women and youth, leading to the formation of the democratic Autonomous Administration, which has become an effective political and social force and continues to engage in significant struggles in many fields, offering many sacrifices to protect the achievements and legacy of the revolution.

In contrast, the fascist Turkish state has adopted the most heinous policies to avenge the values and achievements of this revolution politically and militarily. It exploited international circumstances to undermine the will of the revolution and adopted illegal torture and isolation policies to avenge the will of the peoples through leader Abdullah Ocalan, aiming to exclude his participation with the public opinion and the resistant and struggling peoples.

We are passing through a critical stage, where the fascist Erdogan government has declared an occupation war on S. Kurdistan on one hand, and seeks rapprochement with the regime in Damascus, aiming through these moves to drag other parties into its games, legitimize its occupation and its war deep inside Syria, and undermine the will and fundamentals of the July 19 Revolution, which expresses the will of Syrians.

We in TEV-DEM commend the achievements and gains of the July 19 Revolution, realized through great sacrifices and a historical legacy that extends over decades of historical struggle and resistance.

We also call on the people of the region to join the celebrations of the twelfth anniversary of the July 19 Revolution and to bear ethical responsibility against the extermination policies threatening the life of leader Abdullah Ocalan by supporting the global campaign launched to ensure his physical freedom. The struggle, resistance, and organization must be intensified on the principle of the revolutionary people's war to protect our historical legacy and to defeat the occupiers and traitors collaborating with the occupation.”
