Security Forces capture terrorist cell responsible for martyrdom one of its members

The Internal Security Forces of North and East Syria arrested a terrorist cell that targeted Security Forces member Abdul Samad Al-Hamoud in Raqqa Province.

Security Forces capture terrorist cell responsible for martyrdom one of its members
8 February 2024   14:58

The Media Center of the Internal Security Forces published information about the arrest of a cell that targeted one of its checkpoints the day before yesterday, leading to the martyrdom of Abdul Samad Al-Hamoud.

According to the Center, “a terrorist cell that was traveling in a car on the evening of Tuesday, February 6, targeted the member Abdel Samad Al-Hamoud while he was at one of the Raqqa checkpoints. Our forces in the General Security Service began extensive investigations, gathering information, investigating, and following up, reaching the cell members’ hiding places."

Our forces carried out specific raids on the hiding places and arrested  4 members of the cell members.

The forces also confiscated the following

- Kalashnikov weapon number 1

- 1 pistol

- Kalashnikov magazines number 4

- 2 hand grenades

- Dagger number 1
