KDP forces abduct TV crew in S. Kurdistan for covering Turkish attacks

Asayish forces of the Kurdistan Democratic Party abducted a television crew in S. Kurdistan as they were returning from covering the Turkish occupation's attack on the Amadiyah area in Dohuk province.

KDP forces abduct TV crew in S. Kurdistan for covering Turkish attacks
14 July 2024   14:36

Channel 8 sources reported that Asayish Dohuk abducted the crew including reporter Nijyar Mohammed, photographer Behiz Aqrawi, and driver Hawar Mohammed upon their return from covering the Turkish occupation's attack on the Amadiyah region in Dohuk Province in S. Kurdistan.

On July 11th, Zoom Media Agency in S. Kurdistan announced that the security of the Kurdistan Democratic Party in the Amadiyah district detained a team of journalists affiliated with their agency due to their coverage of the Turkish occupation's attacks and incursions into the lands of S. Kurdistan.

According to the agency, journalist Hajin Fatah and her accompanying photographer were arrested with their driver.

Metro Center for the Protection of Journalists stated, "The Kurdistan Regional Government criminalizes journalists while neglecting killers and corrupt officials."

On July 8th, the Turkish occupation army targeted a car carrying journalists from Çira TV and Çira FM radio while they were returning from a journalistic coverage in the Şengal district. This resulted in the martyrdom of Çira FM radio correspondent Murad Mirza Ibrahim and the injury of Çira TV media correspondent Kamal Hassan and driver Khalaf Khdair, in addition to injuring 3 other citizens near the scene of the attack.

At the same time, the Kurdistan Democratic Party's authorities continue to detain journalist and editor of Roj News Agency, Suleiman Ahmed, for 264 days.”
