Women's Coordination in NE,Syria holds its semi-annual meeting

The semi-annual meeting of the Women's Coordination in the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria concluded with a number of outcomes, most notably supporting the role of women, activating their role in joint presidencies, and supporting and developing rehabilitation centers and protecting women.

Women's Coordination in NE,Syria holds its semi-annual meeting
Women's Coordination in NE,Syria holds its semi-annual meeting
Women's Coordination in NE,Syria holds its semi-annual meeting
Women's Coordination in NE,Syria holds its semi-annual meeting
Women's Coordination in NE,Syria holds its semi-annual meeting
Women's Coordination in NE,Syria holds its semi-annual meeting
Women's Coordination in NE,Syria holds its semi-annual meeting
Women's Coordination in NE,Syria holds its semi-annual meeting
Women's Coordination in NE,Syria holds its semi-annual meeting
Women's Coordination in NE,Syria holds its semi-annual meeting
Women's Coordination in NE,Syria holds its semi-annual meeting
15 July 2024   20:28

Today, the Women’s Coordination in the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria held its semi-annual meeting, attended by the heads of bodies in the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, the co-chair of the Executive Council of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, Avin Sweid, and the head of the Women’s Authority for the North and East Syria Region, Adalat Omar and members of the Syrian Women’s Council and the Zenobia Women’s Gathering Council.

The meeting began with a minute of silence in honor of the souls of the martyrs, then the co-chair of foreign relations in the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, Elham Ahmed, explained the political situation and said: “In fact, when we start with the political situation, especially the framework of action and the formation of the general global order that was managed in the pole one, and the attempts by the Arab countries are very poor, and despite the ongoing conflicts, the arenas in the Middle East have turned into conflict, and Gaza is the most important arena for that, and this stage is long and ongoing, and there are no signs of ending these conflicts.”

She explained, "Assessing the political situation requires realism, and there is no solution in the near term regarding the situation of the Syrian file. Also, concessions must be made in order to improve the political situation. What is happening currently are only statements and there is no action on the ground."

It touched on Erdogan's attempts at rapprochement with the Damascus government.

Then the reports were read by the chairpersons of the women's committees in the seven cantons, and the conditions and difficulties facing each committee, as well as criticism and self-criticism, were explained.

This was followed by an assessment of the situation of women in the North and East Syria and a discussion of the organizational situation in particular. Then the meeting was closed to the media.

The meeting concluded with a set of outcomes that were read by the head of the Women’s Committee in the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, Adalat Omar, namely:

1-The importance of communicating and reaching all women in the North and East Surba region with the aim of unifying women’s visions and efforts and involving them in all aspects of autonomous administration.

2- Conducting workshops to enhance the political, administrative and economic empowerment of women.

3- Holding dialogue seminars and intellectual lectures to strengthen and support the role of women in decision-making and administrative positions.

4- Strengthening and activating the role of the co-chairmanships in performing tasks and roles in the work and jurisdiction of each body or office, especially in the event of issuing decisions or circulars related to the economic and social reality of society.

5-Working to combat the drug phenomenon that is widespread among the young group in particular and society in general.

6- Forming specialized committees to prepare statistics and studies related to violence against women and negative social phenomena (immigration, prostitution, early marriage, murder, and trafficking in women) and proposing appropriate solutions and legal procedures to reduce these phenomena and address their effects.

7- Completing a series of activities and activities for the campaign to disseminate and consolidate family law in all cantons of the North and East Syria.

8-Standing against all forms of private war and the necessity of preserving the gains and achievements achieved by the women’s revolution by foiling conspiracies, threats and attacks by the Turkish occupation state.

9- Strengthening the role of women’s diplomatic relations by opening channels of communication with all women’s organizations and associations at the local, regional and international levels.

10-Work to strengthen and enhance the role of young women in all fields as a pioneering force in society.

11-Open closed and open behavioral training courses for female members to be a solid step in building leadership personalities and preparing female cadres.

12-Support and develop rehabilitation and women’s protection centers and work to open centers in the cantons.

13- Holding workshops with the aim of developing and supporting the work mechanisms of children’s offices and discussing the phenomena of violence, labor and begging.

T/ Satt.