Panorama- 2023....Attacks and Resistance

During the past 11 months, NE Syria was targeted 260 times with drones and warplanes, and 3,761 times by land, while 45 operations were carried out, resulting in the killing of 117 soldiers and mercenaries of the Turkish occupation, in addition to 145 operations led to arrest 397 mercenaries and spies.

Panorama- 2023....Attacks and Resistance
28 December 2023   03:02

The attacks of the Turkish occupation state and its mercenaries, sleeper cells, Damascus government militants, spies and drug traffickers on NE Syria continued throughout this year (2023), and these attacks resulted in the martyrdom of 73 fighters from the forces of NE Syria, and 44 citizens, including 13 children, While the Turkish occupation warplanes targeted 224 service centers and institutions.

Outcome of the operations against spies, sleeper cells, anti-drug operations during past 11 months:

Combating spies and sleeper cells

The Anti-Terrorism Forces (HAT) of the Internal Security Forces carried out 108 operations in the regions of NE Syria. These operations resulted in the arrest of 320 mercenaries and members of the Turkish intelligence services, in addition to the seizure of 112 Kalashnikov weapons, 633 magazines and 10,993 bullets, 80 pistols, 10 BKC and 11,564 rounds, 6 RPG and 22 shells, two explosive belts, a mine and 29 hand grenades, and the killing of 4 mercenaries and members of the Turkish intelligence services.

The anti-terrorism Units (YAT) of the Syrian Democratic Forces ( SDF) carried out 37 operations, which resulted in the arrest of 56 mercenaries, the killing of 13 mercenaries, and the wounding of 3 mercenaries, in addition to the seizure of 22 Kalashnikov weapons, 118 magazines, 16 pistols, 7 rifles, an AKS weapon, an M-16 weapon and 16 magazines for it, 9 bombs, 7 explosive devices, binoculars, a sniper scope, a thermal scope, an explosive belt and a motorcycle.

Between the 27th of August and the 8th of September, the Syrian Democratic Forces and the Internal Security Forces carried out a “ Security Enforcement” operation against ISIS sleeper cells in Deir ez-Zor which resulted in the killing of 29 mercenaries, the martyrdom of 25 fighters and 9 civilians, in addition to the arrest of 21 mercenaries.

Anti-drug Operations

In 2003, the Anti-Drug Forces in NE Syria, affiliated with the Internal Security Forces, opened a file against drug dealers, distributors, promoters, and users. The operations resulted in the arrest of 3,000 drug dealers, promoters, and users, in addition to the seizure of 63 kg of crystal, 398 kg of cannabis, and 1,330,107 pills. Captagon, 602,341 narcotic pills of various types, 6 kg and 460 g of heroin, 160 g of cocaine, 21,406 narcotic syringes, 147 narcotic cigarettes.

Operations of SDF, HRE

Fighters of the Syrian Democratic Forces carried out several response operations to the attacks of the Turkish occupation state on the regions of NE Syria.

During last September, SDF carried out 5 operations in the countryside of Tal Tamr, which resulted in the killing of 3 soldiers and 7 mercenaries of the Turkish occupation state, in addition to the wounding of a soldier and 3 other mercenaries.

In the same month, an operation was carried out in retaliation for the martyrs of Manbij the leader in the Women's Protection Units, Sharfin Sardar, and the fighters in the Units, Nogan Ocalan and Janda Cudi. The operation resulted in the killing of 5 Turkish occupation mercenaries and the wounding of 7 mercenaries, in addition to the destruction of 3 sites, a Dushka weapon, an RPG weapon, medium weapons, and two vehicles of the Turkish occupation mercenaries.

On the 7th of last August, a surprise operation was carried out against a group of mercenaries in the village of Al-Arisha, located between Tal Tamr and Sere Kaniye. The operation, which was carried out in retaliation for the 4 fighters in the People’s Protection Units who were martyred in Qamishlo on the 3rd of the same month, the operation resulted in the killing of 6 mercenaries and the martyrdom of a fighter in the Tal Tamr Military Council.

Over the past 11 months, the Afrin Liberation Forces (HRE) carried out 28 operations, resulting in the killing of 67 mercenaries and the wounding of 49 mercenaries, in addition to the killing of a policeman and 18 soldiers, the wounding of 22 soldiers from the Turkish occupation army, and the seizure of 13 AKC weapons, 3 weapons. BKC type, two B-7 weapons, 4 bombs and many ammunition and bullets, and the destruction of a camera and thermal scope, 6 motorcycles, 4 cars, a military vehicle and a bulldozer, while the attacks of the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries resulted in the martyrdom of 11 fighters from HRE.

Outcome of attacks of Turkish occupation and its mercenaries, ISIS sleeper cells,and the Damascus government on NE Syria during 11 months is as follows:


* Drones flew over the area 615 times.

* Armed drones belonging to the Turkish occupation state launched 17 attacks.

*The area was bombed by land and air 707 times.

* The area witnessed 6 infiltration attempts and 8 sniping operations.

* ISIS carried out a sabotage operation.

* Sleeper cells carried out 6 attacks in Deir ez-Zor.

* The attacks resulted in the martyrdom of a fighter in SDF, a child, and a citizen, in addition to the injury of a child and 15 members of the Damascus government forces.


* Armed drones flew over the area 703 times, warplanes 37 times, and military helicopters 3 times.

* The area witnessed 3 drone attacks.

* The Turkish occupation state and its mercenaries launched 106 attacks with heavy weapons, carried out 6 sniping operations and 4 infiltration attempts.

* Sleeper cells in Deir ez-Zor carried out 8 armed attacks, two harassment operations, a missile attack, two sabotage operations, and set up two ambushes.

*The attacks resulted in the martyrdom of 4 citizens and the injury of two children and a woman.


* Armed drones flew over the area 596 times, military helicopters 11 times, and warplanes 6 times.

* The area witnessed a drone attack.

* The area was bombed by air and land 126 times.

* ISIS carried out an armed attack.

* Members of the Damascus government launched a Katyusha attack.

* Sleeper cells in Deir ez-Zor launched 5 attacks with weapons and suicide drones.

* The attacks resulted in the injury of 7 citizens, including two children and two women.


* Armed drones flew over the area 643 times, reconnaissance aircraft 25 times, and military helicopters 7 times.

* Armed drones launched 5 attacks.

* The area was targeted with heavy weapons 152 times, and witnessed 6 sniper operations and 2 infiltration attempts.

* ISIS mercenaries launched a weapons attack.

* Sleeper cells in Deir ez-Zor carried out 16 attacks.

*The attacks resulted in the martyrdom of 4 children, 3 of whom were from one family, and the injury of 10 citizens, including 6 children.


* Armed drones flew over the area 889 times, warplanes 17 times, and military helicopters 17 times.

*The area witnessed 6 attacks using armed drones.

* The region was subjected to 118 ground attacks, 3 sniper operations, and 5 infiltration attempts.

* ISIS mercenaries carried out 3 sabotage operations.

* Sleeper cells attacked Deir ez-Zor 6 times.

* The attacks resulted in the martyrdom of 4 fighters in SDF and two workers, and the loss of their lives of 4 members of the Damascus government forces, in addition to the injury of 9 citizens, and the damage to a civilian car.


* Armed drones flew over the area 875 times, warplanes 65 times, and military helicopters once.

* The region was subjected to 29 attacks with armed drones.

* The region was subjected to 238 ground attacks with heavy weapons, and witnessed 4 sniper operations and 5 infiltration attempts.

* ISIS mercenaries carried out two sabotage operations.

* Sleeper cells in Deir ez-Zor launched 8 attacks with bombs and other weapons.

* The Co-Chair of Qamishlo District Council, Yusra Darwish, her deputy, Liman Shweish, and council member Firat Touma were martyred, and the Co-Chair of the council, Kabi Shamoun was injured.

* 4 fighters in the People’s Protection Units were martyred and 2 fighters were injured, 3 citizens were martyred and 10 citizens were injured, including 2 children. Likewise, 8 members of the Manbij Military Council were martyred and a fighter was injured. The Turkish occupation state’s attacks resulted in the death of a member of the Russian forces and the injury of 3 others. 5 were also missing. Members of the Damascus government forces lost their lives, 7 others were injured, and a hospital was targeted.


* Armed drones flew over the area 958 times, and military aircraft 58 times.

* The area was subjected to 10 drone attacks.

* The area was bombarded by air and land with heavy weapons 184 times, and witnessed two sniper operations and an infiltration attempt.

* Sleeper cells in Deir ez-Zor carried out 6 sabotage operations and attacked with BKC weapons.

* 4 fighters in the Self-Protection Forces and 3 citizens were martyred, a member of the Damascus government forces lost his life, 9 other members were injured, including a woman and a child, and ambulance crews were targeted, resulting in the martyrdom of two of them.


*Armed drones flew over the region 973 times, and warplanes 39 times.

* The region was subjected to 49 attacks by armed drones.

* The area was bombed 296 times and witnessed 4 infiltration attempts and 8 sniper operations.

* ISIS mercenaries carried out 7 armed attacks, 3 harassment crimes, and 2 sabotage operations.

* Sleeper cells in Deir ez-Zor launched 12 armed attacks and sabotage operations.

* The attacks resulted in the martyrdom of 5 fighters in the People’s Protection Units, the injury of a fighter, the martyrdom of a fighter in the Afrin Liberation Forces, and the injury of 3 fighters in the forces, in addition to the martyrdom of a woman and her two children, and the injury of 14 citizens, including a woman and 3 children, as well as the injury of a fighter in the Self-Protection Forces and 3 members of the Damascus government forces.

* Journalist Dalila Akid was injured and JIN TV agency member Najm al-Din Haj Sinan was martyred.


* Armed drones flew over the region 1,006 times, and military aircraft 45 times.

* The area was subjected to 18 attacks with armed drones.

* The area was subjected to ground and air bombardment 398 times.

* The area witnessed 23 infiltration attempts and 11 sniping operations.

* Sleeper cells in Deir ez-Zor launched 9 attacks, including sabotage operations, ambushes, and armed operations.

* The attacks resulted in the martyrdom of the administrator of the Newroz Company, Abdul Salam Mahmoud, and 4 fighters in the Women’s Protection Units, the injury of a fighter in the Units, the martyrdom of a member of the Internal Security Forces, a fighter in the People’s Protection Units, a leader in the Manbij Military Council, and a fighter in the Syrian Democratic Forces, and the wounding of 6 fighters as well as the martyrdom of 7 citizens, including 4 children and 2 women, and the injury of 11 citizens, including 3 children, while 5 members of the Damascus government forces lost their lives and 6 members were injured.


* Armed drones flew over the area 785 times, and military aircraft 113 times.

* The region was subjected to 85 attacks by armed drones and 15 attacks by warplanes.

* The area was subjected to 774 ground bombardments, 4 sniper attacks, and witnessed 3 infiltration attempts and a sabotage operation.

* ISIS mercenaries carried out 3 sabotage operations, and the Damascus government launched 3 attacks using Katyusha weapons.

* Sleeper cells launched in Deir ez-Zor; 3 attacks with a BKC weapon, 9 armed attacks, 6 attacks with a B-7 weapon, 3 sabotage attacks, and 5 harassment operations, and 2 infiltration attempts were carried out.

* The air strikes launched by the Turkish occupation state between October 4 and October 10 targeted 224 service institutions, including electricity, oil and gas stations, and health centers.

* 35 members of the Internal Security Forces, two fighters in the Syrian Democratic Forces, two children and 8 citizens were martyred, and 20 citizens were injured, including 5 female workers and 3 members of the Damascus government forces.


* Armed drones flew over the area 645 times, and warplanes 37 times.

* The region was subjected to 21 attacks with armed drones.

* The area was subjected to air and ground bombardment with heavy weapons 274 times, and 15 sniper attacks occurred, and it witnessed an infiltration attempt.

* Sleeper cells in Deir ez-Zor launched 14 individual attacks, 3 attacks with BKC weapons, 4 sabotage attacks, 2 attacks with B-7 weapons, 3 attacks with Dushka weapons, 8 harassment operations and an attempt to set up an ambush.

* The attacks resulted in the martyrdom of a fighter in SDF, the injury of two fighters, the martyrdom of 4 citizens, the injury of 21 citizens, including 3 children, and the damage of 3 civilian cars.

Source: The Media Centers of YPG, SDF.
