Roj News prepares file about PDK’s atrocities against press

Roj News Agency confirmed that it will continue to work on the case of journalist Suleiman Ahmed until his release, by preparing a complete file regarding the practices of the Kurdistan Democratic Party authorities towards the press and journalists and its violations of the laws and the constitution.

Roj News prepares file about PDK’s atrocities against press
28 December 2023   05:18

The Kurdistan Democratic Party (PDK) authorities continue to hide the location and fate of the journalist and editor of Roj News Agency, Suleiman Muhammad Ahmed, after kidnapping him more than two months ago (October 25), without any information being received from him despite calls and appeals launched by media centers and bodies.

In this regard, the management of Roj News Agency confirmed, in a written statement in response to ANHA agency’s questions, that this step by the Kurdistan Democratic Party authorities is “not new.”

It explained: “Our agency has been constantly exposed to threats of kidnapping, murder, and imprisonment, and in this regard we continue our work in accordance with the basics of free media (freedom of thought and expression), but this does not indicate that we have put the Suleiman Ahmed file aside. Rather, we continue with the work that we consider a struggle in the region. We also emphasize the continuation of our efforts to make Suleiman Ahmed’s case an international issue, with the aim of releasing him, and as everyone knows, the free pen will triumph in the end.”

Suleiman's kidnapping is a continuation of the treasonous approach and serves the enemies of the Kurds

The agency pointed out that "the crime committed by the Kurdistan Democratic Party against journalist Suleiman Ahmed was not the first. We see the arrest of journalists from the ruling authority in the Kurdistan region as a disgrace on its forehead, and we have not forgotten the kidnapping, arrest and assassination of journalists at the hands of the Kurdistan Democratic Party. The wounds of the detainees the former journalists and activists of Bahdinan have not yet dried up, and their files are still circulating in prisons and courts due to false charges and lies against them, with the aim of preventing free voices.”

The agency confirmed that the kidnapping of journalist Suleiman comes as “a continuation of the approach of treason and hostility to the Kurdish people, and from here we see that the actions of the Kurdistan Democratic Party towards journalists and activists came about not revealing their crimes and violations, and these actions serve the enemies of the Kurds in an attempt to bury the Kurdish issue, in cooperation with the Turkish occupier, and some the countries that divided Kurdistan and obliterated the Kurdish identity.

Submitting a request to the United Nations to know the fate of journalist Suleiman

Regarding the measures, it has taken so far to find out the fate and whereabouts of journalist Suleiman, Roj News Agency said: “We have communicated with media institutions and friends, especially with centers and institutions concerned with journalists’ rights affairs, and we asked them to participate in searching for Suleiman’s whereabouts and fate, and we are now... We continue to make contact with the security centers of the Asayish Dohuk (general center), but they still continue to lie and say, “We have no information regarding Suleiman Ahmed, and he is not with us.” We have submitted a request to the United Nations to use the law of the “International Convention for the Protection of All Persons.” From enforced disappearance,” in addition to sending a team of lawyers to Dohuk to work on receiving Suleiman’s file, whose location and fate are still unknown.

It continued: "After many communications and submission of local and international reports, dozens of media organizations, including local, regional and international, joined us in solidarity and demanded the Kurdistan Democratic authorities to release the editor of Roj News Agency, Suleiman Ahmed."

The agency noted: “We have established a committee of a group of lawyers to work on Suleiman Ahmed’s file and begin the legal procedures, but these moves require an initial meeting with Suleiman to receive the official power of attorney from him, and in this regard, the lawyer begins to follow the legal procedures for his release, because the charges against him are” “Accusations and lies to mislead reality and harm the agency’s work.”

What actions does Roj News intend to take?

Regarding the measures, it intends to take to find out the fate of journalist Suleiman, Roj News Agency said: “We mentioned at the beginning that we will continue to work on uncovering the facts in addition to working on Suleiman Ahmed’s file to release him, by using the Iraqi constitution and proceeding through the systems of laws that exist in the Kurdistan region.”, despite the authority’s evasion and non-recognition of the laws that it itself concluded to include the articles in the book of the constitution and the law.”

It confirmed that they are working to "prepare a complete file regarding the actions of the Kurdistan Democratic Party towards the press and journalists and violations of the laws and the constitution, in addition to placing the case of Suleiman Ahmed at the forefront of the file."

The agency noted that "the Kurdistan Democratic Party, through its official and hidden institutions, is still threatening our agency's correspondents and members with death and imprisonment after they revealed some facts and plans targeting the Kurdish people, and the treasonous approach followed by the Kurdistan Democratic Party, in cooperation with the Turkish occupation state."

"We will follow the path of truth"

The agency pointed out, "Public opinion must know that Roj News Agency faced many difficulties, including 'arrest, assassination, killing, imprisonment, and threats.' Despite more than seven years having passed since the assassination of the agency's correspondent, the brave freedom fighter, in Bahdinan district, The martyr, Widad Hussein, at the hands of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, but the killers were not arrested, and the security authorities in Hewler closed this file, but this file was not closed for us and for the brave men, and we pledge to punish the perpetrators with a fair and impartial trial, and the file will remain open without Losing hope until the goal of prosecuting the perpetrators is achieved.

The agency concluded by saying: “We, Roj News Agency, have made many sacrifices in order to reveal the facts to our Kurdish people and to public opinion, and we will continue to reveal the facts that serve the Kurdish cause, and those who serve the Kurdish people, and even the Middle Eastern people, to bring peace to them. We will also expose those who deal with enemies for their personal, party, and family interests. We will also not accept the continued approach of betrayal towards the Kurds. We will follow the path of truth, and we will never submit to the authority of any governmental, party, or political party.”

T/ Satt.