9 citizens kidnapped in occupied Afrin

The Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries kidnapped 9 citizens in occupied Afrin, in the NE Syria region, including a minor girl.

9 citizens kidnapped in occupied Afrin
20 July 2024   13:32

On Monday, July 16, Turkish authorities’ border guards kidnapped 7 people near the village of Za’ara in the town of Bulbila near the Turkish border. The name of one of them was known; Hassan Ali Ali (28 years old), one of them comes from the village of Ain al-Hajar in Mobata, while the other 5 come from the city of Aleppo, according to sources from the region.

The sources indicated that the kidnapped persons were transferred to a prison in the village of Ashkan, west of the city of Janders, which is run by the mercenaries of "Sultan Suleiman Shah" and Al-Amshat", and that they were subjected to severe beatings.

In this context, the Human Rights Organization - Afrin Syria reported that, on July 12, Turkish intelligence and its mercenaries, the “military police,” kidnapped the minor girl, Asmahan Muhammad (15 years old), in the Mahmoudiyah neighborhood in the city of Afrin.

On July 7, the Turkish occupation mercenaries kidnapped the citizen Muhammad Ahmed Muhammad Abdo (42 years old), from the village of Afrazia in the city of Mobata, in the Mahmoudiyah neighborhood, near Al-Sinaa School, and his fate remains unknown

Kidnappings of citizens continue in occupied Afrin, with or without charges, for the purpose of collecting financial ransoms from their families
