KRG ignores to extinguish fires in Agjilar

A fire broke out in the Agjilar area in the city of Sulaymaniyah in southern Kurdistan and expanded dramatically due to the authorities' failure to deal with it, resulting in the destruction of large areas of agricultural land and forests.

KRG ignores to extinguish fires in Agjilar
14 July 2024   17:07

According to Roj news agency, the fire spread to the areas of the Rayzan Valley and Dokan, amidst difficulty in extinguishing it after its expansion. It is reported that residents have doubts that the fire may have been arson.

The fire has devoured thousands of trees and plants in several villages in the region, as well as agricultural lands in the villages of Sotke, Mayne, Askar, Hawar Soor, Blokken, Kani Bekken, Qoja Balagh, Karkar, Goglar, Kali Sher, Darnar, and Wadi Rezan in the Chamchamal district.

T/ Satt.