Kalkan: Turkey creates excuses to block re-trial of leader Ocalan

Duran Kalkan, confirmed that the Turkish occupation state is creating pretexts to impose isolation through disciplinary sanctions, and to obstruct the retrial of leader Abdullah Ocalan in the context of the "right to hope" and his obtaining his physical freedom.

Kalkan: Turkey creates excuses to block re-trial of leader Ocalan
12 June 2024   12:06

Duran Kalkan, member of the Executive Committee of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, affirmed in an interview on Medya Haber channel the imposed isolation on leader Abdullah Ocalan, stating:

"Wiith all respect and appreciation, I salute the founder of the resistance, leader Abdullah Ocalan , as turkish’s attacks, isolation, torture, and genocide continue. Undoubtedly, in response to that, the greatest and most important resistance in history against it also continues.

He added that there has been no change in the implementation of the current system during the past period. We previously stated that excuses are being fabricated to impose isolation through disciplinary penalties not only were legal pretexts fabricated to impose isolation and hinder meetings, but also to obstruct the retrial of the leader in the context of "the right to hope" and hinder his physical freedom. We said they would continue with this, and indeed, we saw afterwards that they issued disciplinary penalties again.

As usual, they do not reveal the reason for that. It is truly an unacceptable situation, and one could say this: the most disciplined and organized individual who lives, works, and behaves in this world is the leader. Thousands and tens of thousands of people know this. In fact, the state officials in Turkey, who issue these baseless penalties, are well aware of this. However, stating that it is a "disciplinary penalty" is meaningless, and one must understand it well. This matter is fabricated.

On the other hand, as the attacks continue in this manner, the great resistance of our Imrali persists, indicating that the international conspiring forces and the Turkish state have not succeeded in their genocidal system. They failed in that. There is great resistance, and the resistance continues to move forward. The resistance also continues on the basis of condemning the political, authoritarian, colonial, fascist mentality. Then, we must understand this matter correctly and participate in it correctly and adequately according to that. This is what matters."

To be continued…